The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 18, Number 40                                                                                                                October 4, 1996


Great spirits of living light manifesting Divine Will, 

I greet you this day and gratefully enfold you in my love for your beautiful service, dedicating your lives and your energies to raising the vibrations of this planet and all life that lives upon it. Especially at this time your souls are truly blessed by the ever-expanding co-service of light and love you provide each Wednesday at midday. Through this work you are coming to know, without any doubt in your minds, that your light and your life touches all, for you truly are an integral part of an ancient activity of great love, wisdom and power upon this Earth designed to reacquaint all people with their flame and their light! 

My dear chelas, relax now within the sacred focus of Shamballa anchored deep within your hearts and surround yourselves in a magnificent armor of Blue Flame... Let go of all your concerns and worries about life into the Violet Fire now! Blaze the sacred Violet Transmuting Flame through your circulatory system, permitting only the golden elixir of divinity to flow through you, utilizing the Holy Breath of God to draw his Will into your outer consciousness and then outward into the consciousness of all mankind... Expand this sacred Flame and its purifying essence throughout your nervous system, clearing all tension and distress - allowing your mind to be at peace, your feelings to be still, and your memories to recall clearly your divine heritage... You are mighty pillars of purity and love, my beloved ones! 

Surrounded now within a wonderful atmosphere of purity, joy and hope, through your attention, begin to radiate these qualities in, through and around the physical focus of Shamballa on Long Island. See and accept the planetary Heart Center as a blazing, crystalline Diamond Heart, emanating purity, joy, love and hope to all life. 

From Shamballa see powerful light rays of pure light now going forth out into the beings and worlds of all people everywhere, resurrecting in them new hope and a stronger faith in the recognition and full acceptance of the divinity in all life, for this, my beloved co-servers, is God's Will! 

Remember always that as you experience this meditation through every part of your being each Wednesday during the entire month of October, you are also greatly expanding your inner light into the physical plane of Earth, as well as unifying the pure energies of all lightworkers through the avenue of the planetary Body of Light. Truly you are the light bearers of this world, each blessed one of you, and those of us in the higher realms shall be forever grateful for your service! 

Your servant of God's Will,

El Morya





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