The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 18, Number 9                                                                                                                March 1, 1996


Beloved ones, 

I AM sure you have all been working to greatly expand your awareness regarding the spoken word in conjunction with your thoughts and feelings. Perhaps, you may have even experienced the power of your individual divinity through the exercise you performed during the past week. You are now much more conscious of your ability to perfectly co-create with God whenever your emotions, thoughts and actions are finely attuned to your inner Christ. 

On your personal spiritual path, there comes a point when it is of the utmost importance to understand that your four lower vehicles must be kept pure and fully aligned with one another at all times to serve most effectively. This has been explained many times, and in many different ways, attempting always to evoke this principle from a different perspective in the hope that chelas everywhere will eventually fully grasp and understand this divine truth. 

For, when your lower bodies are in harmonious and perfect alignment, the light descending from your three higher vehicles is easily able to reach your expanding consciousness in a gentle and flawless manner. You then become much more aware of your oneness with your I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, further manifesting the reality of your true being and fully accessing all the gifts, blessings, and knowledge stored within your Causal Body. 

According to cosmic law, as you learn to apply your God given energy in a wise and reverent manner, through many embodiments, you are granted a larger release of light through your I AM Presence into this world. Beloved ones, this is exactly the point in your personal evolution where you find yourselves today! You are receiving much more light into your beings than ever before. This fact is perhaps the reason your life seems to have become more challenging and difficult, for to exist in the world and not be a part of it, happens only when you attain your full ascension in the light! 

It is truly a time of great initiations, beloved ones! It is a time to use the knowledge now being released to you and all your brothers and sisters in this New and Permanent Golden Age so that only the purity of the Cosmic Christ is manifest at all times! I assure you, beloved ones, you each have within you the key to the Holy of Holies of your being. However, it is up to you to open the doors to this divine manifestation and bring it forth into the world of form. 

During this month of March, when the Temple of beloved Elohim Claire is open to all who wish to purify their beings and worlds, it is my sincere hope and decree that you do so! As you are well aware, the Elohim are the great builders of form and they are eager to assist you in the perfect manifestation of your divine pattern, exactly as your I AM Presence has held for so long within your heart. 

As you meditate upon my words during the coming week, know that I AM charging your desire to fulfill God's Will, increasing its power and application here and now, which is your ascension in the light through the avenue of co-service in the physical world! 

I AM Serapis,

Your teacher and friend








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