The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 18, Number 29                                                                                                                           July 19, 1996


Beloved co-servers, 

In just a few short days the annual Summer Conference shall begin and chelas from all over the world will once again come together at the Heart Center. During this sacred time of communion and reunion I ask you to intensify your work with beloved Micah and his ray of indivisible unity, especially at midday on Wednesday. 

As you focus your attention upon the service you are about to perform, first visualize within your mind's eye, my mighty, crystalline, diamond heart revolving in the atmosphere above Shamballa. Breathe in deeply and as you exhale, send forth your energy. Observe how the energy you have drawn forth has formed a mighty ray of white light. As it travels across the many miles it must go to reach Shamballa, see other rays of light flash forth and gently rise upward from the surface of the Earth, until the entire atmosphere of this planet is filled with pure, crystalline, white light. 

Upon arriving at their destination, see the rays enter my sacred heart where each of your gifts of energy are intensified by my quality of God's Holy Will before they filter down enfolding and penetrating every atom of the physical focus of Shamballa and all chelas in residence at this time. In response to your service see a magnificent six-pointed star manifest over the main sanctuary now. Observe, perhaps for the very first time, how the ascending triangle is made up of the power and strength of all chelas everywhere; the wisdom and understanding of their purpose on the Earth at this time; and their unconditional love and support for Shamballa and the work that takes place there. 

Also recognize that the great energy field of the descending triangle is made up of the love of the Cosmic Holy Spirit for all life, the wisdom of all the Ascended Masters and other Cosmic Beings who belong to the Great White Brotherhood and wish to share their understanding with the children of Earth, and the power and protection of all beings of light who steadfastly serve the Will of God, including myself and my beloved Lady Miriam. 

See and feel the combined momentum of our unified energies as they now go forth and cover the entire planet. Beginning with Shamballa, see these rainbow rays of light offer God's gifts to all the people of Earth. Brotherhood and unity is the divine plan for this planet and what we must manifest in this world of form before the Earth can fully ascend into the Love and Light into the very heart of our Father-Mother God! Beloved ones, you have been members of my spiritual caravan for a very long time, some of you for many hundreds of years. Our journey has not always been easy, but I cherish each and every moment we have spent together and I look forward to the day we finally reach our destination! 

Your brother in the Light of God that is eternally victorious,

I AM El Morya








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