The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 18, Number 2                                                                                                       January 12, 1996


Beloved of my heart, 

I AM sure you have been deeply touched by the many wonderful memories you have been given through your limitless experiences during your lifetimes on this Earth. Some of these, long forgotten, have now been brought to your conscious mind through your personal meditations and times of contemplation, for re-evaluation and further understanding. Other experiences, you have now come to realize, have made a permanent imprint upon your awakened memory and they stand forth as beacons of light and hope, that you reach for in those moments of extreme challenge in your life. 

To remember is a marvelous gift, but so is the ability to listen! In order to remember something, you have to develop the ability to hear, not only what is taking place around you, but also that still small voice deep within. The first step in expanding this quality is to consciously acknowledge and accept that you must always listen with and to your four lower vehicles. 

Since your four lower bodies need to be in harmony to listen to the energy surrounding you, I request that you begin working with this concept. During the coming week, add the following exercise to your daily activities of protection and transmutation: Take time to listen to your emotions, thoughts, memories, and physical body. Do not just talk to your bodies, ignoring what they have to say, but ask and then listen to them, taking note of their response. Then, meditate upon what you experienced, endeavoring to discover the truth in all that they have shared with you. In this manner, you will begin to assess how to improve and perfect the relationship between all your bodies. Thus, you may continue to ascend ever upward in consciousness, precipitating additional health, beauty, happiness, and all the gifts and blessings of God not only within yourself, but in the world around you. 

Beloved ones, I understand that for some of you this may not be easy, but it is something that you must do, sooner or later! This part of the process has to be accomplished to assure the Earth and all life upon it entrance into the Fourth Dimensional Consciousness. Know that as you move ever forward on your journey, you have the determination of beloved El Morya and Lady Miriam, the strength of Elohim Hercules and Holy Amazon, and the protection and faith of Archangel Michael and Lady Faith, as well as the love and support of the entire hierarchy. 

Your co-server and friend, Serapis Bey








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