The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 18, Number 5                                                                                                                   February 2, 1996


Beloved chelas, 

To accept the changing world in, through, and around your being does not mean that you must be lethargic, and unable to express your opinions. In fact, quite the opposite is true! Allow yourself to be joyful as you observe the growth taking place within and around you. Open your mind and heart to your family, friends, co-servers, and fellow travelers, taking the time to listen to their ideas and suggestions, knowing that the Presence of God is speaking through them to you. You also must now accept the fact that God speaks to you and through you as well! In fact, in order to have a higher understanding of God's principles and laws, it is the responsibility of every conscious member of not only your planetary family, but your universal family, to accept and embody this truth. 

When you listen to someone speak, know you hear the words from the very perfection of his or her being. In this manner, you may more easily attune yourself to the message of perfection embodied in their words, even though at times they may temporarily be cloaked with some misqualified energy. Respect and revere each individual's way of expressing themselves and working with energy. Then, you shall quickly find that your being and world has expanded greatly. 

Those of you who read my words are teachers of the New Age and impart blessings to everyone around you through your actions and words! A good teacher knows for a fact that he or she is always in the process of learning, ever expanding their understanding of the world around them. Therefore, a teacher must have the wisdom to listen, knowing that the student is often the greater teacher. You must also realize the importance of sharing knowledge and understanding with others so that they, too, can grow and develop further. 

During the next seven days take time to recognize some of the many teachers in your life. Acknowledge their guidance and service to you and to all life. Consider how they share divine principles with you and, if you have a chance, observe how they have chosen to teach others. Your findings may surprise you, beloved ones, especially when you do not allow judgment to enter this experience and cloud your understanding, bringing broader realizations to your conscious mind. 

Beloved ones know that I deeply cherish my relationship with you and every opportunity to work in co-service. Keep on keeping on, maintaining the purity of intent in your endeavors. I bless you for your every effort to expand the light that is eternally victorious! 

Your brother in the light, Serapis Bey








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