The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17, Number 13                                                                                         March 31, 1995


Dear chelas,

As we now enter the time of year when the resurrection flame blazes forth into so many areas of life, it is appropriate to turn your attention to the Body of Light. Hopefully you will receive additional information that will prove helpful in your work. 

Through your life experience you have come to realize that it is not possible, nor is it required, that you do all of the work that needs to be done to assist this blessed planet, as it journeys onward and upward, back into the heart of God. Whatever it is that you desire to do, you can count on the fact that somewhere within the Body of Light there is an individual or group of chelas already engaged in that activity.

Through their love of life and dedicated service they have built a very strong and powerful momentum and all that is required of you is to focus your attention upon the work you wish to accomplish and send forth the energy. Concentrate upon the activity in which you wish to engage and visualize its perfect completion. As 'like attracts like', the energy you send forth will immediately seek out and be drawn to similar energy, and add itself to the work already being done. 

Also, it is most imperative that you let this energy go. Do not impose limiting conditions upon it in any way. Let it be free to serve mankind wherever it is needed! Realize here and now that you do not know why something happens or what the outcome of any situation should be, except that it is perfect. This can be very difficult in certain instances, especially when you focus your attention upon the outer appearance. Beloved ones, you must raise your sights higher, so that you will much more quickly and easily assist the Earth to her ascension in victorious light! 

Often people want to do everything themselves, holding on to every ounce of energy belonging to a particular project until such time as they are able to fully enter into the work they have been prompted to begin. Can you see what they are doing when this happens? What about the times when a great number of people choose to do this same thing? The flow of energy is so restricted or even completely cut off that there is not enough left to do the work. 

Remember also, according to the law of the circle, no energy can then be returned to you for your future use. The more you use energy to serve the Earth, the more energy will be released to you as you become more adept in its use. This is but one more reason why our chelas must 'keep on keeping on', for there is such a great amount of good that can be done. The more you perform a service, the more opportunities to serve will come to you, as you continue to use the sacred flames and the many tools that complement their activity. During this coming week consider my words and suggestions and prepare to receive some enlightening words next week, this time from beloved ascended master El Morya.

Ĉolus, the Cosmic Holy Spirit