The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17, Number 30                                                                                                    July 28, 1995


Beloved ones, 

Seven months have come and gone as beloved Holy Ĉolus has shared with you many of his thoughts and instructions concerning some of the more practical applications of the Law as you further strive to become a more perfect example of the Holy Spirit in action on the physical plane of the Earth. As I have observed your response to his words, you have done well, each and every one and the time has now come to begin some very specific work which will, as the months and years ahead unfold, have a tremendous impact upon this planet. 

All of you together, especially with beloved Ĉolus, mighty Serapis Bey, and myself will begin working on specific activities that will further put into place the recent dispensation received. This dispensation, given at my request and the request of many of you who read my words, was lovingly granted to allow Shamballa and The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom Activity to enter not only the minds and hearts of all mankind but the outer world of man as well. 

For over forty years those of us in the ascended realms and all the chelas worldwide have worked primarily behind the veil, quietly assisting in awakening men, women, and children everywhere to the Light and Truth. Beloved ones, this endeavor has been quite successful and as you look around you will easily see the truth and reality of my words! Every area of the news media is now filled with articles, books, tapes, and programs which look at various aspects of the further spiritual evolution of man. Even the beloved, blessed angels who have served the Earth since the beginning of time have now been fully recognized and their joy and happiness can be felt throughout the universe, for with this recognition their service will greatly expand! 

As people everywhere begin to look for others with like minds, their many questions must be answered to the highest level possible for each individual's understanding. There must also be information and activities available which will prompt them to seek ever higher levels of consciousness and expression. Since its inception, The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom activity has always served this purpose and those of you who are an integral part of this work must hold to these two ideals also. 

All of you are leaders and teachers of the New Age! It is time to share your strength, wisdom, and love with your brothers and sisters, for they will now begin to look to you for the answer to their many questions. Reach forth your hands, beloved ones, and gently and lovingly assist them on the path that now stretches out before them, just as we have done for you over the years! 

Do not be surprised when you see this letter offered to the general membership of this Activity who, as yet, do not subscribe to The Shamballa Letter. It is imperative that this information is now shared with all chelas of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom so they too may understand what is taking place within this activity now; and as Shamballa has a 'sacred place' in the hearts of all people, what is happening to each student is also taking place in their planetary family as well. 

Beloved ones, what I have shared with you today, you have all heard many times before, but this is my personal and formal invitation to you, each and every one, to join my caravan. The time has come for you to take full responsibility for the future of your planet and all life upon it, knowing without a doubt that we will always be there to assist and guide you as the current life's work of each one of us is fulfilled and the Earth truly becomes Freedom's Holy Star! 

El Morya