The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17, Number 4                                                                                                  January 27, 1995


Beloved Spirits of Love, 

Divine principles are of the utmost importance in your spiritual evolution, but during this year of divine love it is time for you to also experience and feel the various activities of your life on Earth, so that you may come to understand more fully why you have come and how you can be of assistance to life. To do this you need to have an awareness of and understand human life. You must also come to love your four lower vehicles individually and collectively, for as I have stated before, they form the perfect body of God on this physical plane of existence and you have come to Earth to do his work. 

At the beginning of this year, you turned to a new chapter in your book of life. Once again you have been given the opportunity to create a new story. It is my hope that you will allow yourself to be guided by the spirit of Christ, looking forward to the future with a positive attitude and love and hope in your hearts. Expect only good in your life and it will be drawn to you for your acceptance. 

Think only good, remember only good, feel only good and you will become God's Goodness, shining like the light of a thousand suns for all others to see. Then, they too, will come to follow the example you have set, thus assisting in the creation of the new world of perfection. This my beloved ones, is Saint Germain's Permanent Golden Age, and it is not so far away as you might think. 

However, to realize the fullness of the new age, you must continue to listen with your hearts and follow the star of your own true being. For only then will you hear "...Behold! The true sons and daughters of God have come forth on Wings of Light… " 

To continue to steadily grow in spiritual awareness takes great effort on your part dear ones. You must be ever watchful, reaching up into the higher octaves of light at all times, constantly moving forward in your development. Because of this, there must be time, you must make the time, to become still, quieting your bodies and silently communicating with the Presence of God within you, through your Holy Christ Self. 

Without this unifying and peace-giving activity of being, your life becomes chaotic, allowing confusion concerning the Will of God to easily enter your consciousness. Then your path will no longer remain clear to you and this, beloved ones, is something which must be avoided as you continue to serve the Great White Brotherhood and the responsibility of your individual roles increase. Come with me now. Together let us enter the silence and drink deeply of its essence! 

Æolus, the Cosmic Holy Spirit