Lord Maitreya


                                                                      September, 1993


Beloved Chelas, 

I AM so grateful to Holy Æolus and Maha Chohan Paul, for granting me the opportunity to speak to you today through their Gift Letter. They have asked me to express to you their fondest greetings, and to tell you of the wondrous love in which they enfold you at all times. 

I come today to offer my support and encouragement to you, each one. I have observed with love and gratitude, the positive response with which you have greeted the many tests and trials that have come your way this year. Although your experiences have not all been easy ones, I AM gratified to see the way you have used so many of the principles and gifts offered, to grow through each event. Many tests of spiritual stamina are offered to each lifestream every day. When a trial is met with the straight spine and clear eyes of the Christ, victory is achieved. Only when victory is achieved over the outer appearance, does the 'test' become an 'initiation'. 

As a chela of the Great White Brotherhood, you are among a group of dedicated lifestreams whose primary goal is to think, speak, love and create at the level of the Ascended Master - while still embodied in a flesh vehicle. You have set quite a goal for yourselves, beloved ones, and I AM filled with joy as I watch you turn every obstacle into a stepping stone! 

You may not have considered before the fact that no lifestream is ever asked to become a chela of the Brotherhood. The impetus which propels an individual into the radiation of the Ascended Masters is generated from within - from the Inner Christ. The first impulse toward Christ Consciousness comes to each person at the perfect time and in the perfect form to enable him to begin to perceive the Inner Light. Once the Light is glimpsed and the door to the Christ opened, there comes a moment of choice. Beloved ones, there are many, many lifestreams who do not make the choice you made - who do not choose to serve! Vast are the numbers of those who choose to make their way without the benefits - or responsibilities - of association with the Great White Brotherhood. As Master Jesus said: '...the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to Life, and those who find it are few'. 

You, dear chelas, are among those who have entered by the narrow gate. Previous to taking your vows before the Karmic Board, you were thoroughly apprised of the trials and tribulations you might encounter upon the Path. Without exception, each one of our chelas chose to brave the storms in the world of form in conscious partnership with the Great White Brotherhood, knowing that the reward of service will always be more service. 

Many of you now approach a new level of service - that of the initiate. You are aware that a chela is a student of the Ascended Masters. An initiate is a student who has risen to a level of consciousness from which it is possible to consciously initiate change in the vibratory level of energy, according to the creative impulse received from the Flame of the Christ. At the level of initiate, the momentum of conscious service is more consistent and rhythmic, and less sporadic and experimental. The initiate operates from a level of conscious faith, which cannot be disturbed by outer appearances or any seeming lack of demonstration. 

When a chela evolves to the level of initiate, he or she is enfolded in the Cloak of Anonymity. Never does an initiate refer to him or herself as being in any way more advanced or blessed than any other chela. Wearing this mighty cloak, the initiate proceeds to accomplish the work at hand from within a consciousness of unity, wisdom and love, with no thought of self. The Cloak of Anonymity is a requirement of this level of evolution, and its absence indicates that such level has not yet been reached by the lifestream. 

The moment of this great initiation is near for those of you who have requested it. As with any other step upon the Path, it will come to each of you in the perfect way and at the perfect time, for the highest good of all concerned. 

Thus it is that I come to you today to advise both patience and tenacity. Do not let the trials of recent vintage turn you aside from your primary goal! Be strong and aware and avail yourself of every possible assistance now being offered to you from the Octaves of Light! 

Each of you took your vow before the Karmic Board, having received no promise in advance of any assistance from the Brotherhood. This was your first initiation and without exception, you were victorious! As your vow was taken, the Heavens rejoiced, and every Ascended and Cosmic Being concerned with the evolution of mankind immediately laid their gifts of consciousness at your feet! Beloved ones, now is the time to use those gifts! 

I bow before you now ¾ as I did then ¾ in love and respect for your faith, your strength, and your love for God and your fellowman! 
