The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 15, Number 3                                                                                                     January 15, 1993


Dear Chelas of the One Light, 

Isn't it interesting to note that it is usually the outer appearance that draws the attention of people to the need for healing? Then, as soon as you become involved with the work of the Ascended Masters, you are immediately taught to keep your attention away from the outer appearances on the screen of life! It is at this point that it becomes possible to teach about the meaning of the Immaculate Concept. 

To work with healing, particularly of the physical vehicles of mankind, is to serve on the 'firing line' of Spiritual evolution! Your attention has been drawn by the outer appearances, which are the evidence of the need for healing. At the same time, you must work diligently at inner levels to hold the concept of the innate perfection of all mankind, and of all life on your beloved planet Earth. 

Beloved Ones, honor the life in all life! Honor the means by which each person comes to the Light, for it is through the experiences upon the physical – mental - emotional levels that every man and woman comes to the Truth of God that sets all life free! By way of the outer appearance comes the Truth that resides in the Inner Christ! From the heart of Love and Compassion, which is God, mankind both sees the outer appearance, and eventually sees through it! 

It is because of the caring and compassion within your hearts that you first came together with other Healers of the New Age. It is through that same love that you learned about and accepted the Truth of the Immaculate Concept. Dear ones, that Love is the mighty force by which you shall set the Earth free! 

This is why we, who have trod this path before you, now teach you the deeper ways of healing. We started, as you did, because we cared about others. Still caring and loving, we stretch forth our Healing Hands to enfold your every effort to serve the Light of God that is eternally victorious. Refuse no man, woman or child this same privilege. 

Give them of your Love, as you receive from us. We will guide and teach you as you walk the Path of Truth to Freedom and Victory, bringing all your brothers and sisters in the Family of Man with you - in your Healing Hearts. I love you. 

Your Friend of Truth,










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