The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 15, Number 18                                                                                                  April 30, 1993


Beloved Chelas: 

Before we move on to other matters, there is one more Divine Principle which I would like to discuss with you. In your day-to-day lives, conscious use of this Principle will become indispensable to your personal evolution and your work for the Earth. It is called the Principle of Relinquishment. 

The Principle of Relinquishment is the gateway through which Divine Love, Wisdom and Power may flow - through your Inner Christ and into all outer manifestation which surrounds you. It requires that you relinquish every pressure, responsibility, decision, problem and illusion into the control of your Holy Christ Self. Your Inner Christ is the only part of you who is fully qualified to carry out God's Will in the world of form. Through the Principle of Relinquishment, your Inner Christ is enabled to act through your lower bodies. They, in turn, ascend in vibration in a natural manner, attuned to the Wisdom of the Christ. 

Your Inner Christ is the Spark of Divinity which has been projected by your I AM Presence into the world of form. Here, each individualized God Consciousness is to work at unfolding the spiritual nature and utilizing the creative centers of thought and feeling to become Master of energy and vibration. For each member of the human race, the journey back Home begins in earnest when the outer personality of the lifestream becomes willing to consciously relinquish the control of the personal will into the capable Hands of the Inner Christ. Thus, personal will becomes Divine Will, in fulfillment of the Divine Plan. 

You are aware of the Law which states that a call for assistance must originate from the octave in which the need is felt. This Law is a natural outgrowth of the Principle of Relinquishment, for a call for assistance from the world of form is a conscious admission, however brief, that the personal will is insufficient in love, wisdom, or power, to be able to control outer manifestation. For this reason, no Master or other Cosmic Being is permitted to send his or her momentum of God Light into the world of form, except through the Holy Christ Self of some incarnate lifestream. Otherwise, the energy sent forth would surely be used, eventually, by the personal will rather than by Divine Will. 

I AM aware that the inner teachings of this Activity, which are transmitted to you through these letters, sometimes set goals of thought, feeling and action which seem unattainable to our chelas. Indeed, the responsibilities that you are asked to fulfill are insurmountable if they are attempted by the human consciousness. Your Holy Christ Self, however, has all of the Wisdom, Power and Love to put these plans into action in perfect Divine Order, according to your own special talents, gifts, and abilities. The key to success lies within the Principle of Relinquishment. 

In this year of Illumined Obedience, the Maha Chohan has advised that you must consult your Inner Christ about the smallest details of your daily life. The Principle of Relinquishment requires this, and more - for after asking, it is necessary that you wait and listen for instruction, before you act or react. 

When you first begin to practice this principle on a conscious level in all of your daily activities, it is important that you be patient with yourself. One of the most difficult lessons for any unascended lifestream, is the art of waiting for instruction prior to taking action in an outer sense. The clatter and commotion of the world of form, give the illusion that instantaneous action is necessary, and that there is no time to waste. This, too, is illusion. 

Begin today, at this moment. Instruct your lower bodies to, 'Be still, and know that I AM God!' Place your attention upon your Holy Christ Self, and lay all of your con­cerns before him. Then, keeping your vision upon the Heart of your Presence - wait! All you need to know will be made clear to you, as you still your outer personality and patiently wait upon the Lord of your Being. 

Feel my Hand upon your shoulder, as we walk together along this path of Light. Realize within your Heart that your Life is sacred - no less sacred than my own - for you are my brothers and sisters. There is no truer form of Brotherhood than that which exists among those who share a common cause! I love you, dear chelas!

Your brother,

John, the Beloved






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