The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 15, Number 16                                                                                                April 16, 1993


Beloved Friends and Co-Workers,

We have been discussing the importance of the Thoughtform and Theme, and the ways in which they are utilized and applied through the activities of the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom. You have learned that the Thoughtform and Theme of each year are much more than simple visualizations to be used in group work. Indeed, they are planetary strategies which are nourished by the energies sent forth by the finer bodies of all Light Workers everywhere, as well as those of us who serve in the Octaves of Light! 

Let us now explore the purpose and meaning of the current Thoughtform: 

"Listen with your heart, and follow the Star." This is a Divine Command to all unascended consciousness everywhere, to listen and respond to the Light of the Star of the Cosmic Christ! This is the call to Illumined Obedience! 

"A Crystalline Diamond Heart... " Using the electronic pattern of the Enfolding Spirit of the year, beloved El Morya, establishes the Diamond Heart as the vehicle of his Light. 

"...directs Rays of Pink, Gold and Blue through the physical Focus of Shamballa into the Heart Center of the Earth." Remember, you are a "physical Focus of Shamballa"! Thus, the balanced vibration of the Cosmic Threefold Flame is directed earthward through the Thoughtform of the Enfolding Spirit. Acting in accord with the Law of the Circle, the Divine Light Substance gathers unto itself all energies of a like vibration, as it makes its journey. These Sacred Rays pass through Shamballa itself and through the ascending consciousness of every chela on the planet and into the Heart Center of the Earth. 

"Returning waves of Love, Wisdom and Power gently raise the Earth upward until it is enfolded within the Diamond Heart of God's Holy Will." When the Divine Energy reaches the Heart Center of the Earth, it becomes living Flame, and begins its return journey to the Heart of God. As this energy ascends, the vibration of the planet is lifted as well, raising the earth upward toward at-one-ment with the Will of God - which is Perfection for All Life! 

Perhaps you have not thought about this, but as this energy is ascending to the Heart of Creation, a great blessing is also bestowed upon the countless Beings of Light who have lovingly added their energies to the task of magnetizing and holding the Thoughtform. This means the blessing received by mankind is all the greater, for as this Thoughtform is nourished, it is strengthened and increased in its ability to pour forth its Light to all life upon the planet!

Your Friend, John, the Beloved








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