The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 14, Number 12                                                                                 March 20, 1992


My Beloved Chelas of Light, 

You are well aware of the Sixth Ray as one of healing, among its other qualities. All of us who serve in this Sphere are vitally interested in holistic healing, which perhaps carries a somewhat different momentum than that of the Fifth Ray, but is equally committed to all healing activities. We merge our forces in order to find the solutions for all of the various needs presented for healing. Today I give you a decree for healing of the four lower vehicles of humankind. I ask that you feel free to use it in your healing classes.  

A Decree for Healing

"In the Name of the Universal Presence of God, I AM; we call forth the Holy Christ Selves of all lifestreams requiring healing this day. May they agree with us upon the Divine Perfection of their physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies, as held in the Mind of God, and bring it into manifestation in the perfect way for each one concerned.

So be it, Beloved I AM!" 

"This decree brings you the understanding that you may call upon the power of God within others who may require healing, to agree with you upon the Divine Plan held in the heart of God for them. Thus, it provides a recognition of the God Presence dwelling in the hearts of all humankind, and confirms your own faith in that power, rather than the personal, human based power. This is a loving and powerful way to work, as you will discover upon testing it.  

"I repeat; the effectiveness of a technique is within the Principle upon which it is based. Test all methods upon this truth. 

You can use this decree as I have given it, or you may change and adapt it. I heartily agree with beloved Saint Germain that now is the hour when the chelas must experiment and think of ways to accomplish the many tasks that need your assistance on the physical plane. We are teaching you the spiritual principles. As you join the spiritual principle to the outer activity in creative ways, you will find your own spiritual evolution greatly accelerated. 

I will give an example of expanding upon the above decree.

"In the Name of the Universal Presence of God, I AM; we call forth the Holy Christ Selves of all lifestreams requiring healing this day. May they agree with us upon the Divine Perfection of their physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies, as held in the Mind of God, and bring it into manifestation in the perfect way for each one concerned. 

I AM the Divine Perfection of my physical body, and those of all humankind! (3X)

I AM the Divine Perfection of my etheric body, and those of all humankind! (3X) 

I AM the Divine Perfection of my mental body, and those of all humankind! (3X) 

I AM the Divine Perfection of my emotional body, and those of all humankind! (3X) 


With all the love of my Heart, I thank you for your expanded service! Know always that you serve beside me and my Brothers and Sisters of Light. 

John, the Beloved








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