The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 14, Number 9                                                                                               February 28, 1992


Beloved Students of Light, 

In the Name of our Father-Mother God, I call forth the Ray of Divine Illumination to enfold your minds and hearts, as we begin our study today. So be it, Beloved I AM! 

Dear Ones, My beginning paragraph is a decree. As you can see, it is simple, it is brief, and it is intended to serve a specific purpose; but it contains all of the elements required. These are: 

1.  An invocation of the authority by which I decree; in this case— "In the Name of our Father-Mother God, . . ." 

2. The body, or purpose that the decree is intended to accomplish; i.e.: "to call forth the Ray of Divine Illumination to enfold the minds and hearts of those for whom I make the decree, and ...” 

3. The conclusion, which must always be a positive statement of acceptance of that for which you have called; "So be it, Beloved I AM!" 

Now I will give you another simple decree, which you may use to awaken and activate the guardian spirits, teachers and highly evolved lifestreams who are on the Earth now, but have fallen into spiritual slumber, for whatever reason. 


"From within the Heart of the Sacred Flame, we call on the I AM Presences and the Holy Christ Selves of all guardian spirits in embodiment at this time, to awaken them to the light and perfection they hold within their hearts. Bring to their conscious remembrance the Divine Plan and purpose for which they incarnated, and see that it becomes the ruling force within their lives. So be it, Beloved I AM!"  

Let us analyze this brief decree. Note that it is given from within and by the authority of "the Heart of the Sacred Flame". In this decree we are using the sacred Three-fold Flame within the heart to establish the spiritual authorization for that which we desire to accomplish. 

In any decree, it is very important to declare the authority to be Spiritual rather than human; i.e. the I AM Presence, the Holy Christ Self, or the Three-fold Flame within the heart center. This removes all authority from the human mind, will, or consciousness. I AM sure you can easily see the importance of this part of any decree or invocation. Always be sure that you include a spiritual authorization when you create a decree for any purpose. 

The body of the decree is for the specific purpose of awakening the guardian spirits and highly evolved beings who are in embodiment at this time. This part of a decree may be longer or shorter, according to what needs to be included. The final statement may be whatever you wish, provided it is positive and accepting. "Amen" means "So be it!", or "Let it be so!" It is a positive acceptance of whatever you have decreed with the certainty that it is done right now. It is also closely related to "I AM", and it is quite natural to combine a statement such as "So be it" with the sacred Name of God, "I AM that I AM". It is, as you can see, a completing of a decree with God-Authority, just as you began. 

I ask that you use the decree given above for the awakening of the guardians, as this is extremely important as a part of the planetary preparation for the awakening of all lifestreams on Earth, which is already taking place at this time. 

Know you have my love and gratitude for your every effort to fulfill the many requests that I bring to you. I speak, not only for myself, but on behalf of all those Beings of Light who work with you, beloved chelas! 

Your Friend,

John, the Beloved







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