The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 14, Number 16                                                                                               April 17, 1992


Beloved Chelas, 

I have said that Mary and Raphael give freely of themselves to the incoming lifestreams. Also remember that their qualities are available to you. Even as you decree for the healing of yourselves and others, do not overlook the need of constant re-consecration to the work you desire to accomplish on the Earth plane. 

As so many of you work for the children of planet Earth, it will make a tremendous difference to the future. In these, the beginning days of the New Age, the foundation is being laid for everything that will come. Peace, harmony, and joy of service will be the normal expression. Heightened abilities of body and mind, and perfected emotional expressions of all lifestreams will manifest a new Heaven and a new Earth! It will be a Golden Age which many of you will view from a new perspective, for you will be standing beside me and other Masters of Light in the Ascended Realms! Even as we now communicate through a veil, so will we then commune and see one another face- to-face! 

Behold! I John, the Beloved give you my vision to encourage you onward and upward on your Path. Standing beside you now, I encourage your awareness of my Presence! There are no separations in God's Life, and I desire you to become increasingly aware of this. To do so will help you in many ways, for separation is a belief that belongs to the illusion of human consciousness. As you continue to purify and raise your consciousness from the human to the Divine, you will understand and see more clearly, while you yet walk the Earth. 

Faith and Persistence are the requirements of the hour for all chelas of Light. Do not permit discouragement in any way, shape, or form, at the point of consciousness where you now stand. If you feel discouragement, begin making your calls immediately with the conviction you desire to feel. When you act in the way you desire to feel, both the feeling and the outer physical manifestation is bound to follow. It is the law!  

Remember, I have told you that the chelas are being prepared for higher initiations, and this is but a part of the process. Stand strong on your beliefs. Use the tools you have been given. Use your decrees, holding fast to the immaculate concept of your own perfection, as well as that of others and your planet. Take up that mighty Sword of Blue Light given to you by beloved Archangel Michael, and hold his shield over your Heart Flame. As you are steadily cut free from outer dependencies and their accom­panying illusions, the Flame of Hope held inviolate within your hearts will escalate into the Faith and Confidence of the Presence of God 'I AM'! 

Your Friend and Teacher,

John, the Beloved







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