The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 13, Number 22                                                                                       May 31st, 1991



Beloved Chelas of Light,

Today we will begin our study about the bi-yearly petitions which may be submitted to the Beloved Karmic Board, as that time is drawing nigh. I will give you some information regarding the Karmic Board, and the way in which work is accomplished for the Earth. The Karmic Board convenes at the Great Teton Retreat twice each year; the first time in June, and the second time in December of each year. On December 31, the yearly harvest from the Ascended Masters, Angelic Host, and embodied Mankind who work in concert with the Octaves of Light to the best of their developed abilities, is presented to the Lord of the World, Beloved Gautama. At this same ceremony, the Petitions which have been formulated and presented by the various Beings of Light and the chelas are consigned to the Sacred Fire.

Because all such petitions have come forth from the LOVE of those who have presented them - be it Chohan, Master, Elohim, Archangel, Deva, or one of their chelas - there is harmonious music, beautiful colors, radiant light, and delicate perfumes arising from the Flames as the petitions burn. The music, color, light and perfume fills the audience chamber in which this service is performed, and - rising into the higher atmosphere around the Temple - it draws legions of Angelic Beings and Devas, who fill their Beings with these qualities, and carry them in all directions to dispense them wherever love and healing is most needed.

It is truly a magnificent sight, and as I give you this description, I AM projecting the images into your minds and hearts, so that you may begin to remember the scene at which you have been present so many times in your finer forms. 

Beloved Gautama always presents his own petition, along with the Chohans and the others who are involved in this Activity. Please take a few moments to realize the love which is poured forth at all times from the Hearts and Minds of the beloved Lord of the World, and all those Great Beings who work with him to assist you, and all life on this dear planet Earth. Your hearts - which are the Chalices of your Consciousness - will not be able hold the gratitude which will fill them. Truly - A great River of Gratitude and Joy will flow forth from your Chalices, increasing the blessings being received from the Hosts of Light, so that all mankind may be the recipients of the mighty out­pouring.

Beloved ones, I ask that you take some time each day this week to contemplate the love which is poured forth. As you do so, intensify your gift of Gratitude to the Masters, particularly to beloved Gautama. In so doing, you will prepare yourself for taking part in these ceremonies during the month of June. Also, it will help you to “tune in” to your part of the overall plan which will come forth. 

Always remember, gratitude is the Key which opens the lock to all the inner mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Use it, and you will quickly see for yourselves. 

Remain always in My Love.

Your Friend, John 


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We offer our gratitude for your gifts of love, which sustain the flow of these teachings, and also for your beautiful letters, which bring encouragement to all of us in this work.

Thank you!

The Staff