The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 12 - Number 41                                                                                    October 12, 1990


My Beloved Chelas,

I thank you for your sustained and intensified use of the Violet Flames through your four lower vehicles during this past week. It has been of great assistance in clearing away some of the shadows that, so long as they exist in the astral realm around you, still endeavor to hide the Holy Christ Self from your view. If you could see with the inner sight the clearing that has taken place through the concentrated use of the Sacred Transmuting Flame, you would not need to be reminded to use this gift of purifying energy. 

I now address your Holy Christ Self, for it is through this Master Presence that we teach. I shall endeavor - through Divine Love - to draw your outer consciousness into the Heart of your Christ Self. This is the meaning of the statement the Masters often use, to "Listen with your Heart."

The POWER of the Sacred Fire is given to you by your "I AM" Presence, drawn directly from the Heart of the Great Central Sun. In ages past, the use of the Power of the Sacred Fire was not taught except in the most advanced schools of occult science, because the consciousness of mankind was not yet ready to receive this knowledge. Now there are many who can receive it, and it is our responsibility to teach the chelas more about the use of the Sacred Fire. Many others will be brought to you to receive this knowledge, at the level at which they will be able to use it. The levels at which they can receive knowledge will be varied in the extreme. 

It has already become our combined responsibility to teach them how they can help to purify and free themselves and the world around them from the imperfections which have been created through human consciousness. 

I speak to chelas of The Great White Brotherhood - which is a very significant position from which to serve. I make very clear that I never speak to aggrandize human ego, and it is my prayer that you fully understand this fact, and that you constantly purify your motives. 

An increased desire to serve has manifested within your consciousness. This arises from the love within your hearts for all life, and I want you to know that My Love always responds to yours. Everything that has gone before in your preparation will now increase many-fold, for the need is great. 

The Activity of The Bridge To Spiritual Freedom is one of building a tremendous Span of Light over which the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood and other Cosmic Beings may reach the masses, at whatever level of understanding they may be. Your task now is to learn to teach others only that which they can absorb and use where they are in consciousness. This is not an easy thing to learn.

One of the aspects of Divine Love is that of understanding the needs of those who are drawn to you to receive this sacred knowledge. Your training at this point in time will be to help you to know how much - or how little - you may say to these varied states of consciousness.

I will assist you in as many ways as I possibly can. Although part of your training will be to teach you more about the Rays and the Flames, a major part of it will be to give you an indepth understanding of your Divine Presence, and of how to work more fully with that Presence, through the Holy Christ Self within your heart.

I will close, having given you a necessary foundation for the instructions to come. Continue your intensified use of the Violet Flame, and expand it ever further into the outer world, especially - at this time - through the lower astral realms of the Earth.

I AM most grateful, and know that I speak for the Ascended Host of Light.

Your Friend of the LIGHT OF DIVINE LOVE,








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