The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 11, Number 20                                                                                   May 16th, 1989


Dear Chelas,

As you sojourn month after month within the Sacred Foci of the Great White Brotherhood, you absorb the appearances of these Temples and Retreats into your hearts and your minds. Of course, at inner levels they are not unfamiliar to you, as much time is spent within them, both while you are in embodiment and between embodiments. There is always much interest among the students about the appearances of the Retreats, and I want to speak to you about some of the inner meanings. This activity of Light comes through from the inner to the outer consciousness, as does all spiritual instruction and teaching. I counsel you to not feel discouraged if you feel you do not remember the beautiful inner visions you have absorbed.

As I told you in a previous letter, for right now the important thing is for each of you to work on externalizing the instructions given.

I say to you, all beauty - in all forms - both through the splendor of Elemental life in the Earth, and the artistic accomplishment of mankind, comes from the inner realms. Think of this for a moment, and you will quickly recognize the truth of my statement.

Sometimes you discuss among yourselves various remembrances of the Temples you have visited, and as you do this, the descriptions may seem to vary. I say to you, you may all be correct, because the magnitude and scope, both in size and beauty, of any Ascended Master Retreat is fully beyond human vision. Each of you may be in attendance at the same Retreat in a given month, yet be working in a different portion of a Retreat, therefore, of course - a different remembrance!

I lovingly counsel you to keep your innermost visions in the silence of your hearts. Do not permit yourselves to accept or give confusion, for your spiritual visions are very personal, and have to do with your specific needs and your abilities to serve, as well. 

The beautiful descriptions given from time to time are those which can be used for the entire student body, and again, when they are given, it is for you all to use in cooperative ways in your visualizations and group endeavors. The descriptions are quite naturally of portions of the Retreats where communal services are held, and communal work accomplished. Never has a complete description been released, and now you will have understanding of the reason for this. Continue to work in loving cooperation, and know that there is always a greater vision to be realized!

Proceed along your path in Peace and Love, for this is my gift to you.

Paul, The Maha Chohan







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