The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME 11, Number 23                                                                                               June 6th, 1989


Beloved Chelas

Sing songs of praise! It will open the doors of your inner hearing. Sing, beloved Ones! Lift up your voices in Joy, Praise and Thanksgiving.

How long has the Earth been burdened with the sounds of sadness? Is it not long enough? It is up to my disciples to bring Joy to the Earth at last.

When you send forth your voice in gratitude, the first feeling you experience may be that you sent your voice into a chasm . . . into a cave that extends into the very center of the Earth itself! This is true . . . and that is exactly where you want your song to go!

What happens when you send a call into a chasm? An echo returns to you... does it not? Your voice, magnified many times, returning to you, and it can be heard for many miles. Think about this!

Send your songs... right into the center of your Earth! They will reach the walls of human misunderstanding and send them crumbling into dust! Let the walls of human misunderstanding crumble into dust, so that the purified keynote of your Christ Being can go forth and be heard for Cosmic miles!

Paul, The Maha Chohan






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