The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME 11 - Number 50                                                                                        December 12, 1989

Beloved Disciples,

In an earlier letter this year, I spoke of the sacredness and beauty of a new life entering the Earth plane, and I indicated that I would speak to you of this with more detail.

When the elemental body is being made ready for its appearance on the Earth, there is a most beautiful process taking place at inner levels. I have often thought that... if this could be made visible to the eyes of the human race... every person upon the planet would have a deeper love and appreciation of the physical forms they inhabit and of the new life coming into embodiment, as well.

First of all, from the very moment of conception, the Spirit of the God Mother projects a part of her Consciousness to be with the mother and the infant form developing within her. This responsibility may be taken by any one of the Mother aspects of the Godhead, so that, if it was made visible to the outer sight, it might appear as Kwan Yin, or Mother Mary, or any one of the "Mothers of Heaven". This representative literally projects a Ray of her Consciousness to stay with the mother and child until the delivery of the infant form into the Earth is accomplished. In this way, if there is a need for her assistance in any way, she is immediately aware of the situation, and can act on behalf of either the mother or the child, or both. Is this not a wonderful knowledge to have in your minds and hearts?

In addition, the Holy Christ Self of the child, fully aware of the preparation taking place, can be seen enfolding the developing form within the Light of its heart, pouring its Love and spiritual substance into the form. It, too, is connected and aware at all times of the development of its 'Outer Form', and draws the essence of Life from the I AM PRESENCE for the child.

As you, my Chelas come into contact with those who are carrying new life forms within their bodies, take a moment within yourselves to act as my representatives, and consciously send forth a ray of love, purification and protection from your hearts to them. Contemplate the beauty and the value of the New Life entering the planet Earth. I thank you!  

Paul, the Maha Chohan





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