The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 11, Number 35                                                                                August 29th, 1989


Beloved Disciples of Holy Spirit,

We have been working a great deal - rather specifically with the negative quality of fear - both in your personal worlds, and in the realm of the healing of individuals. I would like to address this healing as it applies to the astral realm. The astral realm co-exists with all incarnate life on planet Earth, extending quite a distance up into the atmosphere. Within this realm you will find that the mass consciousness of lives as a very real force. The closer to the Earth, the denser it becomes in its aspect. This is because all thoughtforms created by the conscious or unconscious use of energy by those who are as yet in a low state of consciousness, must draw all energy from additional negativity generated by these low states. This is the most important answer to your original question; "Why does fear return?"

Except for the use of the Violet Fire within the astral realm by the Angelic Hosts, the Ascended Masters, and those of our beloved Chelas who are aware of the need - the Earth herself could no longer breathe and live. By the Grace of God of the Transmuting Flame was given to you, and it is well for you to always be reminded that the Ascended Masters use the Violet Fire at all times.

The activity of mankind which is as yet unaware of its power of creation, as well as that part of the race which may consciously miscreate - is continually creating anew. These negatively directed energies connect with the impurities already existent in the astral realm. It is for this reason that we ask you to join your energies to all Beings and Powers of Light who are working continually for the purification of this specific area.

I know that I ask a great deal of you, and that at times you may feel that you cannot accomplish all that is requested. I can only tell you where we perceive the greatest need for the overall good of the planet and all life upon it, we ask for your assistance, knowing that it is our Chelas who will do their very best to help. For your every effort... know my Gratitude - and my Love.


Paul, the Maha Chohan







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