The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 11 - Number 33                                                                           August 15th, 1989

Beloved Ones,

Last week we spoke about transmuting personal fears, and I gave you an exercise that you might use. As I look at your auras, I can tell you that I see a difference. The special thing I want to tell you is that your personal Mantles of Light are greatly intensified, as is the Violet Transmuting Flame within them. You have taken steps to your self mastery through this work. I know I need not say - "Keep up the good work!" regarding your personal purification.

As chelas of the Ascended Masters, you know that you have volunteered for more than ordinary work, especially regarding the purification of your beloved planet Earth. The key in all of this work is balance. You must find and maintain a certain balance between the personal work, and the work to be done for all the evolutions of Earth. If the personal work is not done, you cannot serve as effective Chalices of Light for anyone else, so it is extremely important.

One of the important aspects of your protective forcefields of Light is that they serve to protect other lifestreams around you, as well as yourselves. This is true, whether it be protection from that within yourself which you wish to transmute, or - when you are working in a very high state of consciousness - from too much Light! I AM sure that you are aware that - as developing chelas on the Path - you do experience a certain amount of vacillation between these two states of consciousness!

This is not to discourage you in any way - no! Not at all! It is a fact of life for the conscious person upon the path to Mastery! And, as I have told you many times - all is for the overcoming!

The importance of the protective forcefield is one which I wish to emphasize right now, because, before I suggested the exercise last week, many of you were diligently working, but sometimes without the benefit of intensifying your Mantles of Light, and making calls on the Blue Flame. 

When you are working for others, should the need for healing be very great, quite often a sudden influx of energy may be used to emphasize the very condition you wish to heal. You see, if a person's state of consciousness is negative, they may only use energy in that same negative way. It is best to call on the I AM Presence of that person, and ask that healing energy be released to him according to his need. No healing energy given is ever lost, but it may be held in abeyance - in 'reserve', so to speak - or used in a way that may be more needful than is indicated by the outer appearance. This can only be known to the Presence of God I AM within each individual.

The 'outer appearance' is the thing that all can see, and yet, as you know, it is often the most deceptive. This is why we caution you to not judge by outer appearances. Learning to look past them is one of the most difficult lessons to learn, and I can only counsel you to keep working on this. The wisdom to see through outer appearances does come, as you are learning in your experiences as you work with Cosmic Law.

Know that I support you in your work for the Light of God that is Eternally Victorious.


Paul, the Maha Chohan






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