The Shamballa Letter 

VOLUME 11 - Number 15                                                                       April 11th, 1989


Beloved Chelas:

I hold perfection for you always. Realize that within Ascended Master Consciousness there are neither time nor space limitations.

That which I perceive for you, my beloved ones, is CHRIST PERFECTION. It already exists. For each of you, I see nothing else.

ALL INSTRUCTION IS GIVEN FROM THIS POINT OF VIEW. Otherwise, I would not be speaking the Truth. PERFECTION is already pulsating in, through and around you. It requires only the space in which it may appear. It has been said "Make clear the Way of The Lord!" As your Counselor, I ask that you each use the Transmuting Flame with the realization that you are indeed "clearing the way" for each and every time that you call forth the great power of the Violet Flame, this is exactly what is done. 

I speak from the heart of LOVE and COMFORT.

Paul, The Maha Chohan




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