The Shamballa Letter

  VOLUME 9, Number 22                                                                                                                June 2, 1987

El Morya:


Greetings, My Beloved Friends of the Ages, I love you.


Never forget that, through the Grace of God, you have the knowledge and the use of the Sacred Violet Transmuting Flame of Freedom's Love. Therefore, calmly and peacefully and lovingly go about setting your individual house in order and refrain from the tendency of enjoying the returning Karma of another lest you tie into that Karma by your very enjoyment, for that which you allow your attention to dwell upon, you draw into your world.


"Let him that is without sin cast the first stone!"


Just as you press upon a board before you stand on it to see if it will bear your weight, so do we in the Ascended Realm, exert a certain pressure upon individuals. Believe me, dear ones, we know every strength and every weakness and how much weight it can bear, Therefore, Be Thou Made Strong and Reliable and Pure enough to live within your own God Self. Abide WITHIN in the Sacred Immortal Victorious Flame of Eternal Truth and put and keep your individual house in order.


It is the Divine Edict that all men shall become Masters of Love in its true sense, and remember that there is no lifestream in all the Great Universe of God who is not in some manner a Dispenser of the Divine Love Element.

 El Morya








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