The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 8, Number 10                                                                                                                March 11, 1986 



The Maha Chohan 

This year we celebrate the Cosmic Feast of Expectancy on March 29th, the Saturday preceding the Feast of the Resurrection. 

We know that which man holds in his consciousness will outpicture to the degree to which he has enfolded his thought. If one is determined to have a certain manifestation he will vigorously guard and protect his thoughts from any intrusion which might impede his gift… be it something of a personal nature… for a friend… or of planetary dimension! 

You will remember how Holy Mother Mary guarded her son, Jesus, even as he was pinioned upon the cross on Good Friday. She knew without a shadow of doubt that he would rise again from his earthly encasement… and so manifestation took place! 

There is a great lesson for you and all mankind in this manifestation… the chelas know, and so should all who truly believe, that the Christus is alive within you in the Throne Room of your Being… EXPECT the Truth that the Christ is the only acting Presence in your life for the balance of this earthly embodiment. 

Do not permit any negative thoughts to intrude and use the Holy Breath of Life to animate your Being. Let it carry the oft repeated statement “I AM” the only Presence acting here. 

Accept, my children, this Truth and go forward as messengers of the Most High, returning this Earth and her evolutions to her God ordained estate… follow the guidance of the glorious Angel of Unity, Micah, and have…


Reverence for the Gift of Life, united in Service to the Will of God and for the Evolution of the Planet Earth,





 Your co-server in the Light,






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