The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME 7, Number 48                                                                                                                  November 26, 1985 


Kwan Yin

Close your eyes and journey inwards to the very center of your being, and hold your mind steady in the unwavering stillness and silence you find there. In this center of Supreme Harmony visualize the planet Earth gently turning in space. From this movement within the stillness look out across the horizon and you will glimpse the Signs of Peace… a Peace which is possible for all mankind.


Images of the Family of Man joined in harmony around a luminous globe will be strengthened by CONTINUED effort, and lasting results will surely manifest.


It is with Gratitude that we accept and act upon all of your Calls for Peace, and we counsel you to continue with constancy over and over and over again.


Gratitude is a virtue which you must both receive and give, and I would remind you to send gratitude for all the benefits you receive daily and hourly and these benefits will multiply.


As we approach the Festival for the safe gathering in of the harvest, the THANKSGIVING Celebration, may you feel the uplifting radiation from the Supreme Harmony at the very center of your Universe, until every child of the earth is safely gathered into the Light.


Kwan Yin