The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME 7, Number 29                                                                                                                                July 16, 1985 


Lady Leto

Children of the Earth, we, the Ascended Host of Light, come to plead as supplicants before the throne of your hearts.  Though you may bask in the uplifting joy of your “I AM” Presence, we ask now that you consciously endeavor to manifest permanently the God Reality for your own lifestreams.  Seek no other goal than to be constant expressions of the Will of God in Action, for only then can we hope to attain peace for the planet Earth.


Children of the Almighty, we, who cannot command, must now beg that you choose to walk perpetually upon the Path of Light. Our plan for this shining star can only manifest if each individual remains constantly Christ in Action, preaching by example and teaching by every deed.  Accept no other impulse in your life than to be “I AM”.


No greater service can you do for the Ascended Host, and no greater service can you do for your own children and all life evolving upon this Planet Earth, than to present your energies as a gift of Light, every thought, word and deed, so that the Will of God may manifest I action.


Lady  Leto







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