The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members


VOLUME 7, Number 5                                                                                                        January 29, 1985




Lady Sengen Sama 

Be gentle and compassionate, one with another, for the smiling face often hides a weeping heart, about which you know not. How often have you thought “If I had only known, I would have been kinder”? 

Sorrow is the silent companion of many of your fellow travelers and a gentle loving word and serene radiation of compassionate love will heal that broken heart about which you knew not, and in so doing will unfold from within that soul the wisdom that comes from understanding the suffering of the world of form. Hear the cries of your fellows, even though they be silent, and allow a cloak of compassion to enfold you and radiate out from the center of your being to be a calming influence on all life, at all times. 

The children of earth are, each one, marvelously unique, each with their own joys and each with their own sorrows, and for no man is the path of earthly embodiment an easy one – whatever else you may think. But ALL sorrows have the potential to be transmuted into PURE JOY according to the Cosmic Law of Polarity, and I ask you to work closely with me, call upon me frequently, to help you to heal the emotional bodies of those who touch the hem of your garment. Together, let us all work hand in hand to bring about the liberation of the family of man through Compassionate Love filling every human heart, unveiling the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light. 

I love you, and I ask you to see only the beauty in those around you, for as you see them, so shall they become.

“I AM” Sengen Sama