The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME 7, Number 2                                                                                                                               January 8, 1985


Lady Nada

May your ways be ways of gentleness, for the gentle soul is tolerant and flexible, and therefore survives as the tree that sways to and fro in the wind. The hard, brittle, and seemingly strong tree snaps and falls to the ground under pressure. Be flexible and tolerant, and you will sway gently and rhythmically in the winds of change that are to come, ever knowing that I enfold you in gentle compassionate love at all times. As the liberating energy of compassion, mercy and the power of forgiveness gently spreads from heart to heart, as the breeze gently moves from reed to reed on the river banks, the emotional forcefield of man will gradually become serene, and serenity is the keynote of those chelas through whom we may radiate the blessings of the Spiritual Hierarchy. As this serenity steals upon you, it will aid your journey inwards to the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light, making it a smooth and lovely road. Once you have entered the Pure Land, you will come to realize the Oneness of All Life, and you will come to understand that you are the center of your universe, able to radiate compassionate love silently to all life.


I will help you, and you know that I love you.






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