The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME 7, Number 53                                                                                                                             December 31, 1985



I salute the Light in each one of you and in the hearts of all mankind and it has expanded greatly with the Light of God Illumination. It is imperative that you temper that God Illumination with Wisdom. Wisdom is a necessary ingredient in the expenditure of all Light. As you walk along the path on your journey homeward, blaze that glorious Light from your being to all you pass by, carrying them forward by your radiation into the home land. 

Love, Wisdom and Power are necessary for the Balance of your activities. Balance is essential. Love, Wisdom and Power in perfect balance is your guide, the mantle you shall wear on your journey homeward. The Light in the hearts of mankind is expanding. Some need Love, some need Wisdom and some need Power. And each will attract to them that which is necessary for their unfoldment. Feel the Flaming Presence of the Three Fold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power expanding in your own beings. Feel this blessing course through all your vehicles bringing about the perfect balance required. I counsel you in Love; let balance be your watch word. The torch of Light will guide you safely home. Live in the eternal moment of NOW. Know that tomorrow will be now. Yesterday has flown. Balance... never tip the scales in any direction. See that the scales during your life are balanced.  

As you go along the path of Light, when you reach the homeland you will bring along with you many followers who have come with you because they have been attracted by the Light. And when you reach the homeland you will find the beautiful flower of each ones being floating on the Sea of Infinity. Truly a Garden of God’s. Revere, revere all life, knowing each one is a flower in God’s garden. Some in the form of a bud, others expanding and unfolding the petals of the blossom and the flower in full bloom. All will add to the beauty of the Universe. 

In Love, in Wisdom, in Power and in Perfect Balance I enfold you each one in the Light of the Eternal “I AM”. The homeland to which you each aspire and shall dwell therein when you have completed your mission on this earth – the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light.

The brothers and sisters who dispense God Illumination are always ready to assist you through your attention and you shall go forward in Wisdom. 

Thank you each one and God Bless you.