The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME VI, Number 6                                                                                          February 7, 1984 


LaMorae, Waikiki, Hawaii 

February 2, 1984

We always welcome visitors, elemental and human, to our volcanic islands, which are a reservoir for rejuvenation of their worlds. 

The Elemental Kingdom is a symphony of beautiful music. I speak of the glorious tones which unite one with the other. The flowers, trees, hills and mountains present a spectacular panorama, and the elementals in our midst have gone through an intensive training under Lord Lemuel. 

Lord Neptune and his co-servers constantly anoint the emotional vehicles and they are refreshed and renewed, while the Rays of the Sacred Fire of mighty Helios and Vesta penetrate deep into the etheric garment, cutting free all unpleasant memories of the past. The majestic sylphs of the air endeavor to influence the thoughts of man and the beautiful beaches of mountains offer healing of the physical garment. 

Harmony is the keynote of all Life and our Retreat is a reservoir of that quality where all may come, in their physical or etheric garment, for the transmutation of discord in their beings. On the landed surface we witness the purification process through the majesty of the erupting volcano which has been a melting pot of man’s effluvia for eons of time. 

A Rainbow of Light connects our Retreat with Shamballa and the Royal Tetons and this triangle of pure energy will have an ever-increasing influence on the vibratory action of the planet and all Life evolving thereon. 

It is imperative that every member of the Group Avatar allows harmony to reign in their lives in order that they shall fulfill their divine destiny. 

Once you realize and accept the ONENESS of ALL LIFE, you will be a radiating center of Harmony.






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