The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME V, Number 40                                                                                                                                           October 4, 1983 


The Goddess of Liberty 

In this Cosmic Cycle known as autumn in the Western Hemisphere, man has a tremendous opportunity to reap the benefit of the pulsations which have been showered upon this planet and all thereon, in preparation for the concluding periods of this year. You well know that the radiation of mighty Virgo gives you a feeling of confidence in your efforts to round out your vehicles with the proper radiation to wear the cloak of Victory in the succeeding pulsation. 

Have you ever entertained the magnitude of the energy which must be released by each of the Beings who represent the various Virtues and Qualities when the Earth has completed its revolutions around the Sun? Certainly you must realize that we do not fold our arms and vacation until our term for the release of our gifts is indicated. We blend our energies at all times, knowing that each of the Twelve Virtues must serve in concert to prepare the Earth and her evolutions for their period of accounting. 

With the benefits received from the mighty Virgo you individually have passed through a maturing process. We could say a ripening time, making you ready for the increased radiation of Freedom, which flows during the current release from our Temple of Liberty. We proceed then to the Temple of Mighty Victory to be bathed in the glorious feeling of Accomplishment. Following that magnificent radiation, you will be filled with the Fire of Enthusiasm from the Temple of Zarathustra which ensues when one feels and knows the meaning of service well done. 

The presentation of the Virtue and Quality of the month is one of the greatest remedial agents which man can partake. In the case of a chela, does this not show you that you are in a state of progression? Take the field of Science for instance; witness the discoveries constantly being made in the exploration of new ways to greater illumination. 

It is in this manner the chela completes a specific course given him for the year, as a group and individually. A period of discovery in his own Universe – his state of Consciousness. This is true in all fields of endeavor. One must take an elementary course or basic method to prepare for greater pursuits along the pathway of life. Some pass the tests with flying colors one year and at other times proceed to a level with which they are content and continue along in that field. However, the chela knows… for he experiences the ecstasy of accomplishment and is motivated by the Fiery Element of his being to continue his exploration in the constant elevation of Consciousness. 

We are well pleased with the progress of our chelas this year and I shall, as well as all who serve in the Temple of Liberty, lend every assistance possible in order for you to receive the full benefit of Victorious Accomplishment when you enter that Temple in the next cycle. When we conclude the Autumnal Season, you will have the tremendous opportunity of using this storehouse of gifts for the benefaction of mankind in the Program which will be presented to you by the Spiritual Hierarchy for the incoming year! 

In no matter what location you abide, the Spiritual Pulsation or Cosmic Cycle is the same – is not affected by the outpouring of the Elements, known as weather conditions. Realize always that in every cycle you receive the benefit of all the Virtues, but the intensification of a specific Quality is a required element for the expansion or development of your Consciousness. In the same manner the chela has learned his lessons and upon that foundation does he build greater wisdom, and that illumination flows from the Sun of his Being, to add to the Light of the world. 

In camaraderie of service, I AM 

Lady Liberty









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