The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

VOLUME IV, Number 43                                                                                                           October 26, 1982


Beloved Paul - the Maha Chohan 

Beloved Wayshowers on the Path of Light, I present the following Lesson for study and application: 

The evolution of the Spiritual Light within man is a most interesting study when looked at from the standpoint of the inner sight… from the Flaming Presence within the heart there are extended, like spokes from a wheel, electrical currents that can be generated and projected forth by the self-conscious will of the lifestream, forming a sphere of influence which each individual has evolved… and in the center of which he lives and moves at all times. As these waves of electrical energy pass from the heart center of the individual they decrease in intensity, power and capacity, until at the end of their particular beam they are scarcely in motion at all. This refers, of course, to the average man. 

When an individual comes under the Radiation of an Ascended Master he immediately draws more power, more energy, and the intensity behind the electrical impulses released from his heart or his inner bodies, either of a positive or negative nature, carry to a far greater distance than before he was so energized. Thus his sphere of influence and his capacity to serve becomes greater… and the Cosmic Law requires by that increased radiation a greater return wave of service to the Universe. 

I bring this elementary message to your attention so you may individually assess your own state of consciousness. Ponder well the increase of knowledge, for with it comes through immutable law a requisite balance for the Good of Life. There are some – just a few – who instead of giving the knowledge of a higher vibratory action to their fellows are retrogressing and presenting lessons of a much lower vibratory action than are commensurate with the Teachings the Spiritual Hierarchy are releasing to you.  

Just a word of counsel and Love from…  

Paul – the Maha Chohan