The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME IV, Number 40                                                                                                                      October 5, 1982 


The Angel of Restoration

Beloved Co-Servers in the tremendous planetary activity of Reformation, I greet you in deep gratitude. (Please be seated.) 

Into the Chalice of your Beings, I direct the mighty Force of Restoration from which flows that transmuting Power to cleanse your outer garments of the remaining negative accumulation still clinging so tenaciously. With your attention upon the glorious Essence of the Restoration Flame I assure you with the Command… “I AM” ALL LIGHT, “I AM” ALL LIGHT, “I AM” ALL LIGHT will saturate your consciousness with the feeling and acceptance that “I AM” is all there is! 

I AM specifically directing my attention from Celestial Heights on this day dedicated to the Assimilation and Expansion of the Flame of Hope which is pulsating in a transcendent manner in the Etheric Temple over Hope Valley. I counsel you to assimilate and expand this glorious Virtue to all life on this Earth daily! 

Everywhere on this planet there is a stockpile of gems of great value; some still to be brought to the surface and refined, with the outer covering removed, revealing priceless gems of mighty brilliance and substance. A man looks with great happiness upon a collection of gems which he possesses. A collector knows the value which in most instances he has purchased with the “coin of his realm”, and in some instances having been the recipient as a gift… and through family generosity. 

I AM this day with outstanding power of the Light saturating your consciousness with the understanding that you have, for your acceptance, the privilege of collecting the most precious gems in the Universe in the form of the various Virtues of the Cosmic Reservoir, the all-pervading Force, “I AM”! It behooves you to dip into the ever-pulsating Fount and select and immerse your being with the magnificent “Jewel” of Hope. Accept it as a permanent gift in the “vault” of your Causal Body where it’s Light and Power will blaze forth in resplendent intensity! 

As you concentrate on this magnificent activity, with all the chelas in the Group Avatar completely immersing the Earth and all hereon in its beneficent radiation of Hope, you will find there is no situation that is “hopeless”, for within your beings burns brightly the Flame of Hope else you could not exist.  

One could describe the service of the Mighty Deva-Rajahs and the Angelic Host who are members of Lord Gabriel’s and Lady Hope’s Legions as a Corps de Ballet, so glorious is their service. This Cosmic Activity of dispensing the Elixir of Hope will leave a tremendous imprint upon all life that the feeling of Hope is alive within. HOPE is alive within you… HOPE IS ALIVE WITHIN YOU… ever present within you! 

I previously stated… from Celestial Heights I speak to you… meaning you have raised your consciousness to the attunement where you can abide within the Cosmic Consciousness… a state of Being - a sphere of pulsating Light wherein abide all Who have transcended the human consciousness - in the unlimited Power of the Heart of the Almighty! 

Anticipating our combined unlimited service at this golden hour in Spiritual History, with the Music of the Spheres being amplified as the Tone and Radiance of the Devic and Angelic Host fill this Globe we call Earth, I bless you with all the restorative power of my Being,  











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