The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members


VOLUME IV, Number 22                                                                                                              June 1, 1982




As is the custom in the East, I bow in humility to your Light… and I bring you greetings from our Brotherhood of God Illumination in the Etheric Reals over Mount Fujiyama. 

Previous to the establishment of the Palace of Man’s Purpose over Venezuela where Saint Germain now has a magnificent permanent Focus of the Violet Fire our Temple served in that capacity. As a result we built a great momentum of the Flame of Transmutation so when you send your attention to us, we not only envelope you in the Flame of God Illumination being accelerated this year, but in the Elixir of the Violet Fire. Beloved Arcturus has a Focus of the Violet Fire at ‘the Craters of the Moon’ in Idaho, in the western part of the United States, which is intensified by the great Pelleur from the center of the Earth. At Fujiyama, we also have a direct ray into Beloved Pelleur’s Kingdom. 

This should enable you to further realize the tremendous activity of the Violet Fire of Transmutation serving at all times in various locations all over the Earth. This service is cleansing the ‘body’ of the Beloved Lady Virgo, Divine Complement of the Mighty Pelleur. Of course, you are aware there is a transcendent activity of the Violet Fire from Lord Pelleur’s Kingdom at Shamballa. I believe you will also find it interesting to know the Focus of the beautiful Lady Kwan Yin in the Ascension Gardens has a direct Ray from her Focus in the Etheric Realms over Peiping. 

When the Gardens of the Ascension Focus were originally landscaped, the architect of these Gardens was of Japanese lineage and had great knowledge regarding the placement of large rocks and stones forming beautiful points of interest. I selected one such arrangement for a Focus of my Radiation. 

In summation, the Ray of Violet Fire from Beloved Kwan Yin’s Temple at Peiping, my Focus at Fujiyama, as well as our Foci at Shamballa are all aligned with the activity taking place in the center of the Earth at Beloved Pelleur’s domain. 

Beloved Kwan Yin and I are very happy by the fact that just recently it was decided that certain restoration should be done at the place where I had selected as a Focus of my Ray… and I know that service will be set into motion as a result of this Message. 

Little do people in the outer world realize what their proximity to certain locations all over the planet do for them in their spiritual progress… and I say without question that it is intensified when they live near such Foci. 

As time goes on you will learn more of the intricate network of the Light Rays which form the matrix of this Blessed Sphere – our sweet Earth! 

Anticipating the direction of your attention toward this ‘newly found’ Focus and the glorious activity of the Violet Fire, you well know, in order to attain your Freedom in the Light much purification must take place… and what better location for an intensified activity of transmutation than the Permanent Focus of the Ascension Flame at Shamballa. 

I love and reverence to your Light, I enfold you in the Blessings of our Brotherhood at Fujiyama. 

Humbly I AM

Lord Kamakura, Hierarch

The Temple of Illumination at Fujiyama








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