The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members


VOLUME IV, Number 14                                                                                                    April 6, 1982


THE MIGHTY ANGEL OF RESTORATION                                                                                                                                                               

April 4, 1982 

I, the Angel of Restoration, have come from celestial heights this morning to enfold you, each one, in the glorious activity of Restoration. Will you kindly be seated.  

It is indeed very gratifying to any Cosmic or Ascended Being to come into such a beautiful Forcefield as you have prepared for me. I really am so deeply grateful that the Peace, the Oneness of Spirit, is expressing so tangibly. Let us talk a little about Restoration. You have all seen an artist making every effort to put his very best into a beautiful painting. Then you have glanced upon a work of art which has been defaced by the human creation after the artist has passed from this Earth. You have seen the tremendous effort it takes to restore a mighty edifice which has been clothed with the substance of the human consciousness… and so it goes on and on… to statues and various pieces of art on the Earth. 

I wish to bring to your attention the point that you are beautiful, glorious creations of the One Source of all Life… and pardon me, through the centuries your human consciousness has distorted the beautiful Image which God intended you to be… and which you shall again become! Toward this purpose I have specifically come this day to tell you that while you are doing very, very well, I have brought Legions and Legions of the Angels of Restoration and they shall traverse the Earth today when in the Orthodox Religions, in the Christian Dispensation, are turning their attention Godward - when I say “Godward” I mean bowing in humility within their hearts, endeavoring to recognize their Divinity. The glorious anthems, the songs which are going forth from these places of worship indeed provide us with a tremendous opportunity to assist in the upliftment of consciousness to restore their inner vehicles so that the outer consciousness will be no more. We know that this is a difficult and arduous task and I refer not to the flesh that you wear but to the refining of consciousness, the elevation to that estate which is enjoyed in Christ Consciousness. If you will accept my offer - I have stationed an individual Angel to each of you who will remain with you all through the week unto Easter Morn, when you may stand forth in the glory of the Christ within… and gradually you will become more and more centered in the One - that one great Flaming Presence all over this Universe… the sooner will your flesh garments be refined. Pay no attention or be distressed by the way they appear - rather turn inward and feel the loving embrace of Divinity. I shall pause a moment in order that you may feel the intensification of the substance of Restoration which we are pouring to and through you. 

Blessed co-servers in the great Cosmic Scheme of things, I wish you to listen well - please heed my advice and remember that practice makes perfect! So practice and feel “I AM” God… for “I AM” is all there is. Endeavor when you say “I AM” to follow those blessed, holy words, with a statement that is constructive, which will bring more Light to this world and will help you to attain the Mastery which your blessed hearts are so eager to attain. When you see another individual, no matter where you may be, see the glorious Light - the pulsating Flame of Divinity sending its Radiance into the Universe, joining with the other Flames to make this magnificent Universe all that it is ordained and intended to be. 

Know that I love you with all the Power and Strength of my Being and so saying, I salute your Light.  










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