The Shamballa Letter


VOLUME III, Number 49                                                                                                             December 8, 1981 

Beloved Mighty Hootah

Good morning and greetings my friends, I am Hootah, Director of the Deva-Rajahs serving the entire mountain range at Machu Picchu in the Andes. It is my privileged service to direct the Devic Kingdom serving here… specifically those who stand guard (who are positioned at the cardinal points) at this Ancient Complex – which is of tremendous import in bringing forth the expression of the Permanent Golden Age of Beloved Saint Germain! 

As we ensoul this area, we radiate our Light in an accelerated manner, employing all the colors of the spectrum in a kaleidoscope of hues. We are of tremendous stature, ‘swooping’ like gigantic winged birds from place to place spending our Light like into wings of Light as we traverse from place to place in a specific service. We form a mantle encompassing the entire Complex with the substance of our Beings and create a canopy of conical formation like a giant tepee. 

The Legions of Devas who serve with us alternate their service from the Focus of the Deva-Rajahs at Mount Kosciusko, guarded and guided by the mighty Lord Lemuel. However, those who stand at the cardinal points have been here for centuries… and sometimes those who journey here in their physical garments can observe their Presence. Envision us moving rhythmically, in the manner one sees tremendous currents of air sway the trees in cyclonic activity. 

The Nature Kingdom is beautifully expressed in the verdure… the fresh green of the grass and growing vegetation, the color assigned to this Earth Planet. The flowers are of great beauty… and from the place I am focusing my attention to all of you, in this message of Love, there is a tall hollyhock of deep purple… about ten feet below it are magnificent geraniums… and then bowing one’s head we see tiny blue forget-me-nots. This exquisite expression should be a reminder to those who look upon it… Forget not this Ancient Focus and the service of the Elemental Kingdom, everywhere! It would require considerable ‘time’ to enumerate the variation of the flowers that are so grateful to have the sacred honor of expressing themselves here. To name one species, there are innumerable shades of geraniums ranging in color from white, pink, red, orange to the purple of the hollyhock aforementioned. I so revere these blessed elementals, so please bear with me as I continue… the daisies, the marigolds who pungent fragrance is so uplifting, hyacinths, jade plants, towering iris… on, on… each serving to externalize the Beauty of God’s Kingdom… an example of serving in harmonious accord, in unity of purpose, an example to the family of man of the Oneness of all Creation! 

Today there are many cloud formations tempering the Radiation of the mighty Sun Gods Helios and Vesta… to shield, to protect, the vehicles of those visiting this vicinity from the intense radiation which is being released from the Machu Picchu Complex – that Light is broadening the Bridge of Light, making stronger the path between North and South America where the greatest Light will be evident in the New Age. The Fount of Shamballa feeds all activities on this Planet… and until the children of Earth are in accord with all the Kingdoms this span has to be protected through the Light and Power of the Spiritual Hierarchy at Shamballa. This is one of the reasons the Beloved Lord of the World Gautama through his great Balancing Power chooses to remain at Shamballa protecting that increasing Light which sustains the Planet and all life hereon. Delegating someone who serves from that Focus to render a specific service at various points while he remains in residence as it were – loving, guarding and expanding the Immortal Three Fold Flame – the Permanent Atom for this Planet. I trust my simple narration will serve to remind you of the strength of the Light radiating from Shamballa. 

As I speak these words, the Cosmic Holy Spirit Æolus is releasing a glorious Dove over South America and environs… a developed Symbol of Light from the innermost recesses of his Being, who with his son Paul, the Maha Chohan, will sustain this Dove, a reminder that the Holy Breath flows through all constantly. Revere that Sacred Essence and… use it wisely. 

The Benediction of the mighty Xerarahu – Hierarch of this entire complex at Machu Picchu… in Wisdom accept it… in Love expand it… and in Power send it forth as a blessing to all life. 

Humbly, I am HOOTAH

Director of the Devic Kingdom at this Sacred Focus






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