The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME II, Number 37                                                                                                                    September 9, 1980 


Beloved  Paul, the Maha Chohan 

Blessed chelas, I have the privilege of giving you an Excerpt from a Message given by the Cosmic Holy Spirit Æolus, when he held the office of Maha Chohan, at the beginning of the year 1951. I believe this counsel is particularly apropos with the approaching Teton Convention… 

“The Dove of Peace which was anchored in the heart of every lifestream upon the Planet at the Teton Conclave will begin its vibratory action through the inner bodies of man and nature as well. It is my responsibility and privilege through my chelas as well as through the activity of my own lifestream to draw from the Great Silence the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the nature that it is representative of for mankind’s greatest good. 

“The Power of Invocation which rests within the Fire Element of the human heart cannot be denied by the Cosmic Law, the Lords of Karma or the Sun itself. All Celestial Intelligence is servant to this call. When the human race through fear of impending disaster demands Peace on a universal scale, the Lords of Karma, themselves, are forced to secure a dispensation by which those Beings particularly representative of Peace might take a more active part in the affairs of men. All the Masters, all the beings who represent the Virtues eagerly await the time when they shall be invited into the nature and inner worlds of the human race, for when that invitation comes their service in unlimited radiation begins.” 

I now humbly request that each of you make peace with every one of your own vehicles, with the elementals that serve you and form the covering of flesh, your environment, surroundings and associates… and if you will do this you will be rendering a necessary service to the Earth and all hereon. 

It is long past the time when every man, woman and child of the human race create, sustain and give peace according to his capacity, his nature and his development. It is especially important that you our chelas recognize and put forth every effort to blanket this dear Planet with PEACE, a glorious and necessary Gift of the Holy Spirit. I counsel you to keep your outer consciousness reminded that the Spiritual Path must become one of EMBODIED PEACE! 

With current world conditions, I humbly remind you that it is your responsibility to carry out a request that has been neglected by the majority of the chelas these many years. 

The Maha Chohan






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