The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME II, Number 42                                                                                                                October 14, 1980 

Beloved Lord Gautama                                                                                                         September 27, 1980 

On the concluding day of the Royal Teton Convention, the beloved Lord of the World made the following announcement: 

“My beloved, beloved chelas… the gratitude of Heaven’s Realms is so great for what you, the chelas of the New Age Church, have accomplished these past few days. Will you kindly be seated. 

As has been said earlier, I am a being of few words. But it is my great privilege to tell you that there was a magnificent service at the Tetons last evening. There was a meeting of the Karmic Board; and of all the Celestial Beings who were there, and I, Gautama, in the Presence of our beloved Lady Vesta, did vest Andrew as an Oracle of the New Age Church of the Christ. 

The two gentlemen, beloved Peter and Andrew, will serve and be in conscious communication with our senior Oracle at Shamballa. 

Now with the blessings of the entire Hierarchy; my humble self representing the Lord of the World; and the Cosmic Holy Spirit; beloved Paul… the great Light from the Temple of the Cosmic Holy Spirit is pulsating all over the planet today in great intensity, because of your cooperation.”

Lord Gautama 


Beloved Kuthumi                                                                                                                                                   October 6, 1980 

Beloved brothers and sisters in my family… during this year of our illustrious brother Jophiel, the Archangel, I wanted very much to talk with you, especially during the outpouring of the Illumination Flame from Tibet. So here “I AM”. 

As one of the Temples of the Second Ray becomes active, a whole integrated network of temples and retreats becomes more active in alignment with it. The brothers and sisters of the Golden Robe in all such retreats, step up their endeavors to illumine the outer mind and brain consciousness of the race. Since this entire year is dedicated to Illumination this brotherhood has been more than normally active on a continual basis, yet even this pace has quickened with the opening of the Golden Lotus Retreat. 

This integrated network of retreats is not only true of the Second Ray Activity but also many other services, such as all retreats dedicated to purification… or governmental work or science and healing. As the focal retreat is opened to the masses (in consciousness) all others “light up” with it. The Lord of the World takes all this into consideration as the retreat cycle is formulated each successive year. 

You can be sure, therefore, that we of the Second Ray have been busy this year. A glance at the retreat cycle shows five retreats with a major Second Ray Activity are active this year (Yucatan, Meru, Teton, Tibet and Shamballa) with the Temple of Illumination at Fuji open the entire year. I believe you can sense our Divine “mutual support”. 

I believe also you can see our efforts manifest in the world around you this year. For example, beloved Kamakura was the Radiating Force behind the recent successful television series depicting Oriental life (Shōgun). It was the Radiance of his Flame, working through the Christ Self of those marvelous actors and actresses that held the attention of well over one hundred million people for an entire year… think of what was accomplished! 

The lead actors and actresses had the ability to completely remove their own personality and allow their Christ Presence to play the role perfectly. Through this open door the Master can do much work. As each of you allow the Christ to play its “role” on the stage of your life, the Master, through invitation, could accomplish much through your open door. In the process, many people may be drawn to you, allowing you to teach the Law. “Hitherto, I have worked, now the Father and I work” was the Master Jesus’ expression of this arrangement between him and Lord Divino. 

As this year is beginning to draw to a close, I encourage you to look around yourself… into world events, entertainment, science, elemental life, etc… and with the discrimination born of the Christ, see the Illumination Flame expressing itself in all walks of life. Using these examples, which are available to everyone’s attention, you can gently teach more of the Law to a receptive consciousness. 

Sealing you in my ever-expanding Golden Robe, I pray for your Perfect Teacher to come through you at all times. 

Your gentle friend and guide

Kuthumi, World Teacher







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