The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME II, Number 47                                                                                                     November 18, 1980 


Beloved Lord Divino:

Beloved ones I speak to you from the Buddhic Consciousness, and as your attention is upon my Presence, I shall enfold you in my accelerated Radiation which will serve as a lever to raise your consciousness ever higher. 

Since you realize that to attain Buddhic Consciousness, one must first raise himself out of the human into the Christ Consciousness, the thought might occur to you “why the Buddhic when I have not reached the Christ Consciousness?” Do we not have the beloved Lady Venus as well as beloved Esthesia and Olivenya giving assistance to prepare the Earth for the higher Radiation of the Planet Uranus into whose orbit she will move in the acceleration of the planets of this system! All of the suns, reaching to the mighty Great Central Sun, beloved Alpha and Omega, are sending their Light earthward to bring about this transition. 

Serving with the Lord of the World Gautama it is my privilege and responsibility to lend every effort toward expanding the Light of this Planet Earth. Beloved ones in the Oneness of all Life is it not feasible that your more advanced elder brothers and sisters help you to grow in consciousness. We the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, experience great happiness and gratitude when we see a chela or chelas enter into an elevated state of consciousness, and bask in the ecstasy of the Love, Beauty and Perfection which pervades the Higher Realms. This is possible of accomplishment the moment you have loosed the shackles of human creation into the Sacred Fire of transmutation… fully knowing and accepting that when you function from your True Reality one does not have to travel anywhere, for in that Consciousness you are Pulsating Electronic Light – a cell in the Heart of Infinity. 

My heart yearns to “pull” you into that realm, where all the gifts and virtues of the Almighty are in that Great Universal Storehouse waiting for you to use to bless all Life. We who have graduated to this level await always the attention of the children of Earth who have raised their consciousness and are aware of our existence! When you think of us, as has been repeatedly said, through the beam of your attention we can rush forward and enfold you in the Sacred Essence of Divinity… knowing with each outpouring you have been nourished; your being is truly assuaged and you put another stitch in your Tapestry of Life, coloring it with the Pure Tone of your Being. 

I would like to suggest when you receive this message, you will again read it while playing the Keynote of my being – “Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life” when I shall have the opportunity of saturating your being with the Unction of Buddhic Consciousness. A simple request but one from which you will truly reap great benefit. This will be the gift of beloved Gautama and my humble self, at this time of Thanksgiving – for truly are we grateful for your expanding Light. 

Lord Divino, the Buddha





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