The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME II, Number 22                                                                                                                                               May 27, 1980


May 19, 1980 


The Beloved Dominicana

I would like to introduce myself. I am the Silent Watcher of the Dominican Republic. Our country is so deeply grateful to Shamballa, whose glorious Perfection pulsates in the ethers over that holy island, and like the Sun, bathes our land it its effulgent. 

Recently, upon invitation, one of our chelas visited this Sacred Focus and we were grateful for the opportunity to further strengthen our ties with the Heart of this Planet.  

At this time when your attention is specifically attuned to the Elemental Kingdom, I place before you the devastation that took place on our land not too long ago… many individuals wondered why the Elements went on a rampage! Ah, beloved ones, in this instance it was a merciful action of the Law in which the Elementals ‘co-operated’ in the purification of our landed surface, the air and water element. 

Through the years much negative force had infiltrated our country and despoiled the beautiful radiation it once enjoyed. When we saw how this pollution was choking the Perfection, and we knew the Elementals were about to rebel, we availed ourselves of the purifying action which would result. Thus you see the Earth Element that provides the platform for those living here proved to be the eventual beneficiary of what was to all intents and purposes very drastic action. The lifestreams privileged to live in this area will attest to the fact that this mighty cleansing process is now reaping magnificent results. 

When an infectious disease is removed from a body of a suffering lifestream, the whole vehicle is purified, and so it was in this case. The blessed Elementals who form our body are exhibiting the happiness that is now theirs in following a pattern of beauty, the like of which is far beyond our expectation, so beautifully demonstrated in this process of rejuvenation. 

Most of you know that Lady Mercedes is the Divine Complement of the Manu of the Seventh Root Race, the Mighty Lord Saithrhu… is it not feasible that some of their children are in embodiment in our country… and this now purified land will make a more fitting habitation for them and the increased number who will soon embody here. However, it is imperative that the chelas residing here continue their calls for Purity in all avenues of life, so further contamination will not again manifest. Naturally this is true of all locations on this dear Earth. 

Some of you know that the Beloved Saint Germain enjoyed the hospitality of this island not so long ago and his blessed feet made a definite imprint on the substance of the earth through which he, in his Mercy continually uses to keep the Violet Fire active in, through and around the island. He is always so grateful, as are we all, when the Violet Fire is called into action, for this provides an opportunity for him to give more assistance in raising the vibratory action of any location! 

Children of the Light, I cite the foregoing instance to illustrate that it is sometimes necessary to take what appears to be drastic action to accomplish a purpose… and this is not the last that will be necessary in order to ready this entire Planet for the Pure Vibration, for which it is ordained, shall manifest hereon! I do not wish to place emphasis on negative action, as one might term it, but in the Western part of the United States of America is another instance where so-called drastic action of the Elements is taking place… to accomplish a like purpose. 

I am not making statements to place before you the negative action of the Law of Mercy and Love… but to point out how necessary it is that your vicinity, in no matter what location, be blessed by the purifying action of the Violet Fire and other forms of Purification. 

BE ALERT AND ACTIVE and prove to us through your cooperation that you are serving to cleanse this entire Planet, so that every line of force connecting all countries with Shamballa, the Heart Center of the Planet are intensified and the Glorious Light flowing therefrom is an ever-increasing Beam bringing this Earth to her ordained perfection in an accelerated manner. 

As you will realize this will prepare not only you to enjoy the more rarefied atmosphere of Perfection in your own vicinity but all life on this dear Earth, so beloved by Blessed Saint Germain and to all of us serving for one purpose… the Restoration of this once shining orb to her ordained Perfection. 

I am just one Silent Watcher of a small island, but I have an obligation, a privilege, to hold the Immaculate Concept, the Pure Design for this republic… as are you, no matter where you reside, responsible to fulfill the purpose for which you were given embodiment at this time. 

I love you, my beloved ones, and remember that no matter where you abide, you are in a position and responsible to release the necessary energy to purify the environs in this transcendent activity of serving as one unified in purpose to bring the Perfection and acceleration of the New Age Vibration even now being felt!!!