The Shamballa Letter


VOLUME II, Number 26                                                                                                              June 24, 1980


Beloved Hilarion, Chohan Fifth Ray: 

“I AM”! What is ignited in your consciousness when you think or say “I AM”… what switch have you turned on that permits that statement to express in your consciousness? 

When your feeling world backs your mental, and “I AM” is on the screen of your consciousness, is it an image of Be-ing or a feeling that you are going to bring a condition into expression? I am going to do that, such and such, today. Is the little self going to perform a certain duty or service, or do you have the feeling of Reality “I AM”? If the latter you have risen out of the human self into the higher Consciousness! “I AM”, IS synonymous. This is not two expressions, two words, for “I AM” is… something that exists. 

Now if “I AM” meaning the Divine Principle God, IS, you are one cell in the universal body – I use the terminology of form to make this more readily understandable. Most individuals at your present state of evolvement still cling to form. I did not say ALL – but the majority of the chelas have not risen out of the human consciousness to fully accept the fact that Light (Energy) is all there is. Depending upon the frequency, the vibratory rate of your consciousness at a given moment is that which you are expressing. When you have sufficiently withdrawn, or risen above concrete matter, then one can be “I AM” or BE that which exists – that which IS. Now if “I AM” is, where then is the separation? 

Ah, oneness is co-existence! Have we not said “I AM” is all there is, so if you desire to be or express anything, all one has to do is Be in the Consciousness of “I AM”. 

When you think or make the statement “I AM going to do something,” you are operating at the lower frequency of the human consciousness. “I AM” is. I am going to do signifies something you wish to take place. Simple! If one dwells in the Christ (I AM) Consciousness he IS and no so-called time is necessary to have manifestation take place. 

Now that I have caused, I hope, your thoughts to rise on the elevator of your consciousness, do you not think it wiser, more convenient to BE, and through BE-ing “I AM” have everything and anything constructive manifest for you!!! 

Our beloved Master Jesus has recently placed before you the importance of ACCEPTANCE, not just belief. You may believe something but when you ACCEPT whatever the condition or so-called thing you have received it… it is yours. 

I have not had the privilege of speaking to you recently and I so desire to have you accept that which I bring. We, the Spiritual Hierarchy, bring you a gift of some facet of the Law every time you are honored with a release from us. If you accept it, then it is part of you, and it is your responsibility to use it. 

My gift to you is to engender the feeling of BE-ing “I AM” in its fullness, (“I AM” is all there is) and it is my loving counsel that the illumined chelas among you will give further thought to the true meaning of “I AM” – not a passive but a present vibration – to expand and grow within your consciousness… according to your acceptance. 

I most humbly counsel you to turn the switch of your consciousness to the Universal Light pulsating throughout the Universe and BE that which IS – and use the Gifts of the Universe for the benefaction of all life! Whatever you wish to be, or have, EXISTS, and according to the frequency of the Light (Energy) which you choose can you BE! 

The Ascended Master Hilarion