The Shamballa Letter

  VOLUME II, Number 30                                                                                                                 July 22, 1980 


Beloved El Morya, Hierarch

The Temple of International Unity 

I would like to present to you a phase of the Spiritual Law which so many chelas either do not know or choose to ignore… 

My point is the reason why the Plans of the Spiritual Hierarchy are not always ‘infallible’ when contacting and working with unascended lifestreams. Divine and Cosmic Laws and schedules are accurate and exact to the most minute details… but the behavior and reactions of the ‘human’ mind and feelings are unpredictable. That is why it has been said from time to time that not even a Master can prophesy what an unascended being will do at any given moment. “God proposes but man disposes.” 

There are always two courses of action open to man – constructive and destructive – with many deviations for and against. Now a partnership between Divine Beings, who know ONLY THE WILL OF GOD, who cooperate with and express Divine Law and Perfection… and with individuals of Earth is always dependent upon: 

1.    The individual’s USE of free will

2.    The individual’s unworked out karma, which limits the help and assistance given by the Ascended Beings, and also makes the acceptance of the directions of Spiritual Hierarchy less effective or ‘on schedule’. 

We are wholly unlimited in our use of substance, opulence, power, strength and so on. But… Divine Law will not allow us to give the fullness of these gifts, if there is karma that merits only ‘poverty’ and other negative energy. 

Do you see why we have pled with you through the years to USE, USE, USE the Violet Flame and other means of Transmutation and Purification? If your own human accumulation was dissolved WE WOULD NOT BE LIMITED IN OUR GIFTS, and OUR DIVINE PLAN would not be obstructed by your weakness. 

I most certainly anticipate your cooperation in purifying your lower vehicles so in the future OUR INSTRUCTIONS will be received as GOD’S WILL and not construed as ‘a negative force’ because the human consciousness of which you are not yet freed wishes to put an imperfect interpretation thereon. 

BE ASSURED THAT “I AM” A BEING OF LOVE and present this message in that Radiation! 

El Morya, Chief of the Darjeeling Council







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