The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME II, Number 4                                                                                                                             January 22, 1980


Beloved  Maha Chohan

Aspiring children of the Universe, I recently had the privilege of conversing with the Cosmic Holy Spirit Æolus during a recent visit to Shamballa and in the course of our talks naturally we turned our thoughts to you, our chelas. We considered what subject would be of the greatest assistance at this hour… and HARMONIOUS RADIATION was chosen. 

It is suggested that you review the book ‘ELECTRONS’. In your perusal you will find many passages whose meaning has not fully entered your consciousness and in that vein I present the following for your further illumination. The vibratory action of any electron or group of electrons who are within your personal compass, whether they make up the organism of your body – the personal environment of your home – or the vehicles of the lifestreams around you have a definite effect upon you. So many lifestreams still cling to the thought that matter is inanimate and motionless, when in reality it is condensed energy. Energy by its very nature vibrates and releases a radiation from the smallest electron to the greatest Sun. This radiation determines its quality and its effect upon the Universe. If the electron, an individual particle, or a composite mass, making up some physical form is radiating according to the Plan of Perfection, its effect upon the rest of Life will be pleasing, harmonious uplifting and beautiful. If the radiation from these electrons, consciously or unconsciously, distresses any part of Life, these electrons must be redeemed and repolarized through love. 

The reasons for the radiation of inharmony from organisms and cells are too numerous to mention, but these organisms and cells have been heavily charged with inharmonious energy which has changed their natural keynote and type just as the melody on the piano can be changed by one individual placing his hand heavily upon the keys without tracing out a harmony that will blend with the melody played. Thus you see that pain or distress of any kind is but the electrons’ radiation which can be changed by consciously passing the Cosmic Flame of Love through the care or heart center of these electrons, and that organism, and in so doing reestablish the natural harmony within the member. 

When harmony is established the radiation will be in accord with Perfection and no distress ensues. This is equally true of limitation, which is merely a radiation from substance already within the individual’s world which should naturally radiate opulence and supply but which has been repolarized until its emanation is fear, uncertainty and distress. To change the quality of radiation within one’s own lifestream and environment is to become master of circumstances and the individual governing power of one’s own world, through entering and remaining in the Christ Consciousness. 

With the effluvia rampant on the Planet at this time, it is essential for your individual well being that you do not energize any negative condition presently being spewed forth by many Nations and peoples. 

I counsel you to thoroughly digest this lesson that I present to you, and I anticipate an increased radiation of Harmony, of Love Divine, emanating from your beings as I daily enfold you in the Radiation of the Holy Spirit. 

Paul, The Maha Chohan







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