The Shamballa Letter


VOLUME II, Number 1                                                                                                                        January 1, 1980



Beloved  Lady Lunara speaks:

I greet you bringing the Beauty of the New Year, which is sending forth its glorious radiation of HOPE to the peoples of this planet. Hope, that mighty Virtue carrying stimulation which is necessary to accelerate man’s progress in the Light. 

I have come because I have received a heart plea from a chela for assistance… you will note I have said from ‘a’ chela which of course denotes one lifestream and I welcome this opportunity to bathe all of you in the soothing essence of the Water Element which flows constantly from my Being. 

I am sometimes referred to as ‘the man in the moon.’ Yes, I do embody the powerful activity of the masculine ray… even more powerful is my privileged service of the feminine ray reflected in the emotional world of man. 

My purpose today is to ask your assistance as I direct your attention to the emotional disturbances which are rampant on Earth due to the contagion of hysteria being released in various parts of this planet through the agitation of throngs of individuals caught in the negative radiation which spreads in short order and tumult of the masses results! And, the outer demonstration is but a minor out-picturing of what is going on in the individual worlds of the participants. 

Here is one avenue through which I can assist in quelling the disturbances that are outpicturing… even one chela who can remain poised, calm in the serenity of Divinity can provide the magnet, the energy required to give assistance in the manner of the Master Jesus in the statement ‘PEACE BE STILL’! Of course the deeper meaning is the realization that one can demonstrate what it means to be a Peace Commanding Presence. Silently, without any fanfare, you can be such a one for your consciousness is being raised, through your individual efforts, into the higher vibratory rate of the Christ. 

To return to the specific activity of changing the negative into the positive… you realize that the United States of America is the Heart Center of this Planet and when strikes back at the Giver of Love and goes into a frenzy of attack on that Heart it can result in very serious conditions manifesting. I shall not delve on the negative action further for you now what is transpiring in various sections of this Earth and why it is so necessary for us to emphasize the calling forth of the Flame of God Illumination for all mankind – a state of consciousness which you are now capable of demonstrating. 

Speaking of your own vehicles and how the water element cleanses both the inner and outer vehicles – remember the very undines that render this service are kid to the entire Water Element – that vast activity under the direction of mighty Neptune and myself. Have you ever contemplated why Beloved Neptune in so many instances is depicted holding a trident! Which of course represents the balancing activity of Love through Wisdom and expressed by the Power of Reality. Oh children, contemplate and realize the oneness of Reality, the knowing that every part of life is God – in no matter what garment it is clothed. 

I appeal to you to call to us, mighty Neptune and myself to demand the positive action we can give in calming and purifying the emotional disturbances affecting this Planet, who in their insidious ways affect the well meaning peoples of this Earth who are drawn into the malicious forces of agitation. Steer your forward course in the safety of the Consciousness of Reality and be an example of the true expression of the Divine Principle of Life. 

I lovingly leave you with a Lesson contained in the Code of Conduct for a Disciple of the Holy Spirit:

Stir not a brother’s sea of emotion, thoughtlessly or deliberately. Know that the storm which thou placest his spirit will sooner or later flow upon the banks of thine own lifestream; rather bring tranquility to life, and be as the psalmist so ably puts it: ‘oil on the troubled waters.’ 

Enfolding you, each dear one, in the all encompassing Love of my Being, 

I AM the Light of the Moon,









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