The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME II, Number 8                                                                                                                        February 19, 1980 


Beloved Mother Mary


Beloved ones, dedicated cells in the Diamond Heart of the Almighty, I come to you at the beginning of the Holy Lenten Season, and as I enfold you in my Love I envision you expressing the Immaculate Concept which is your Divine Birthright. 

In many religious activities this season is given over to the ‘doing of penance’ for mistakes of the past. In truth it is a time of great opportunity for the balancing of the mis-qualified energy that has been sent forth by all mankind through the use of the Sacred Fire. It should not be a time of thinking of what might have been done, but the acceptance of the joyous privilege of releasing harmoniously qualified energy in an endeavor to bring more Light to this Planet! 

Oh, go into the recesses of your being where dwells the Christ and lovingly pledge to daily call for the Resurrection and the Life of the GOOD of all Life, and when Resurrection Day is celebrated, you will most certainly reap great benefit in the elevation of your consciousness as a result of being part of the Restoration of this Earth to her pristine beauty. 

Whatever service you may give in the coming weeks you will individually find your fellow traveler responding in a manner akin to that which you are releasing. Thus you will see that you are holding the Immaculate Concept for your brother and sister cells in the Universal Family of Life (Light)! You may use the Violet Fire with whatever Flame you wish – be it that of Purity, the Flame of Resurrection, of Restoration, Divine Love, Truth and so on. I do not wish to suggest the way in which you could better assist in this restorative project. Each of you has a momentum along certain avenues of service… you have glorious ‘treasures stored up in heaven’ and I am merely appealing to you to release the energy which is expected of you, in the manner of your choice – to give a balance for the assistance you are receiving from the Spiritual Hierarchy. 

It has been quite a long time since my beloved son Jesus walked this Earth in an endeavor to bring the consciousness of mankind to the Divinity within. He did this with some success, but at what price was the example! Think of the Love which he showered upon mankind to direct them to the true way of living.  

And as we now prepare for the Second Coming prove to the Master Jesus that you will walk the Path of Love divine – that you believe in the Truth which he manifested and are pledged to entering into and being a part of the Christ Consciousness at all times and will dwell in the Father’s House to better serve your fellow traveler who in most instances is not as privileged as you by reason of direct assistance from the Spiritual Hierarchy. Consider the more illumined meaning that you have received through the Directives which have come forth for your God Illumination! 

You have been the recipients of expanded knowledge and because of the momentums as seekers after Truth which has brought you to the feet of your God Self, that Christ so patiently waiting to express through you as it did through that great exemplar the Master Jesus. 

I leave you with the assurance that I shall always hold the Immaculate Concept for you… Will you do likewise for your brother and sister cells which form the ‘Body of the Eternal’! 

In Love Divine, I AM

Mother Mary







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