The Shamballa Letter


VOLUME II, Number 7                                                                                                                                                February 12, 1980 


The Ascended Maser Jesus

In these ‘latter days’, because the Light is being increasingly invoked as never before, many a precious chela is experiencing more and more the unpleasant pressure of forces that are opposed to all that is God-good. It is a difficult time for all students of Light and it will continue to be so unless each one learns and PRACTICE the basic precepts of Spiritual Instruction brought forth during my ministry here on Earth. To assist you in easing the sometime unnecessary struggles occurring in daily life, let you and I now examine the true meaning of HARMLESSNESS. 

‘Learn the lesson of harmlessness; neither by word nor thought nor feeling inflict evil upon any part of life. Know that action and physical violence are but the lesser part of the sin of harmful expression.’ Those precious words, given to you by the Holy Spirit Ćolus are poignant with meaning and few there are (if any) that have absorbed the full portent of this aspect of Divine Law. During my ministry I stated much the same thing in that I said ‘you have heard it has been said of old that thou shalt not kill, and whoever commits murder shall be liable for judgment: BUT also will you be the more liable for judgment before the Court (The Karmic Board) should you ever show anger towards your fellowman even though it be just through open derision or silent scorn.’ 

‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’ has NEVER been the Law of God, for to return evil with evil compounds the misspent human creation and adds greatly to the shadows of the world. Just as you would be an accomplice to a crime so too are you unwittingly aiding and abetting the one responsible for originating the evil and both of you will be jointly held accountable. By resisting the force of evil you effectively acknowledge the power that it has over your life. Through your resistance you actually give power to that force that is directed against you. In this case you are not sharing in the creation of additional evil but merely complicating your life unnecessarily.  

To stand firm within the Sanctuary of your own God-self, unyielding, and the manifest example of a Peace-commanding Presence – is not resistance, and when you truly come to understand this you will see the difference. Just remember the adage of ‘Whatever you resist will persist’, and engrave this Truth in your mind. To cease to resist does not mean that you now give in to anything and everything that comes your way or allow your world to be invaded by that which is not of God… far from it! Stand firm at all times but never let this become a struggle for survival as you resist the forces pitted against you. 

Do not fall under the misapprehension that evil is just a product of the sinister force, for remember that ALL evil was originally brought forth by and through a lifestream such as yourself either in or out of embodiment. EVIL is the reverse of LIVE, the opposite of good, and as such is the inversion of the Law. It is a negative force and will draw unto itself a positive force. It automatically seeks such a positive force (because of its very nature), and by ‘resisting’ you give forth the very energy it requires for its continuing survival. This negative energy can easily be generated by either you or those around you; this is why you have been told to watch every thought and feeling, and to maintain constant Harmony in your four lower vehicles. 

WHERE YOUR ATTENTION IS, THERE YOU ARE ALSO… and to resist a negative force being projected at you acknowledges its existence. Unless you utilize the Power of Divine Love you will be power-less to maintain equilibrium in your world; for the negative force will draw from you all the energy that your attention gives it. LOVE is the key and is the only Force against which a negative force has no antidote. This is the pure Light of God and all Life must bow before this Supreme Power. 

Now you know what was meant when I said ‘You shall love thy neighbor as thyself’ for truly this is a Commandment second only to loving your God with all of your Heart, and with all of your mind, and with all of your soul for to love with ALL of your being leaves no room for anything apart from God. For love, constantly sent forth through your heart to all Life, ensures that not one precious electron of Light from your Father in Heaven is sullied by the lower self. To resist any negative force would be to consciously qualify pure Light with your own human thoughts and feelings, and thus a greater shadow would result. 

Love will turn back upon itself all that is of a negative nature, and home it goes to its creator to be swallowed up in his or her being. As you learn to love so too will you find it enfolding you with the Mantle of Light that you seek daily to provide you with the necessary shield of Protection against the forces of darkness. And so, my precious children of Light, I exhort you to stand firm in that Light… unflinching and immovable, emoting pure Divine Love and representing a living example of Harmony and Peace. Thus you now understand the full meaning of the words: ‘Do not resist him who is evil; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also. Do good to them that would persecute you. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.’ To do less just perpetuate that which you seek to avoid, for resistance only creates a stronger adversary in those who harbor ‘ill’ will against you. 

Do nothing that would create turbulence in the sea of calm that should be your world, neither give cause to others to destroy your perfect equilibrium. ‘Stir not a brother’s sea of emotion, thoughtlessly or deliberately. Know that the storm in which thou places his spirit will sooner or later flow upon the banks for thine own lifestream; rather bring tranquility to life, and be as the psalmist so ably puts it: ‘oil on troubled waters.’ Likewise to accept another’s evil creation into your world will mean that the storm now plays out on your side of the sea, whereas by maintaining a Peace-commanding Presence THROUGH LOVE ensures that any ‘storm’ stays strictly in the province of those who would create them. Your sea will maintain its continuing calm without a ripple on its surface, whilst the storm plays out on the ‘other shore’ its creator experiencing the full force of their own design. Thus will they be compelled to learn that much sooner how to better control the ‘elements’ of their being! 

The Ascended Master Jesus – The Christ





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