The Shamballa Letter


VOLUME II, Number 35                                                                                                         August 26, 1980



‘I AM’ your Reality, your Individual Center speaking directly to you – a Cell in the Universal Principle of Life!! 

Accept me… still your outer thoughts… enter the Heart of the Silence and just BE! Feel My Abiding Presence, the Immortal Three-Fold Flame animating your vehicles. Experience the Presence of the Holy Spirit as a ‘bellows’ that activates the physical house in which I dwell. 

The time is NOW… now is the very moment when you can experience the true meaning of Divinity which ‘I AM’. Pause a moment in this Silence… away from all thoughts of the lower self and know… ACCEPT ME for ‘I AM’ God – a pulsating Cell, a component of the Universal ‘I AM’. ‘I AM’ you, you are me. 

Now, think of a magnificent expression of Nature… see the leaves on the individual branches, now see all components of a tree. Like unto our outer expression, the leaves of a tree differ in size and design. See the sky, a beautiful firmament above the substance of Earth, and we know that the sky exists all over the Planet – forming the canopy for the body of Beloved Virgo. The Gnomes do not argue that they are in a specific section of the Earth, nor do the Undines. 

Each element which composes your four garments must be further purified to form a perfect dwelling place in which I abide. Centuries have I been encased in your physical heart, knowing that one day you would receive the Illumination, your lower garments be restored to their original estate… and the veil between the separate consciousness created by your own free will would become just an illusion. 

‘I AM’ appealing to you to bless and honor the elements which comprise the House in which I am living so that I may treat the Earth in dignity and true awareness, a chosen Way-shower to your fellow traveler… and as the Energy clearing the way, expanding the Light of the World… making more brilliant the Body of mighty Virgo, Mother Earth! 

Accept me, not just for the moment ‘I AM’ speaking within you… but for all Eternity… and in that ONENESS shall the Permanent Golden Age manifest more quickly. 

‘I AM’ you, you are me. You would not be manifest but for the Pulsating Fire of Being. Remove the veil of the outer consciousness which is now truly gossamer, and in Unity of Purpose the Divine Blueprint of the Universe shall quickly come into manifestation because you have chosen at long last to function through your True Identity, a Component of Divinity, pledged to serve on this Earth-plane, making her a Heavenly Garden – a suitable Garment for Lady Virgo. Enter into and function from the ever-present Cosmic Consciousness that is your birthright and experience the joy, the happiness of Love Divine that ‘I AM’.