The Shamballa Letter


VOLUME II, Number 34                                                                                                                                     August 19, 1980



The faculty of the Ascended Master which enables him to perceive and project God’s Thought, as well as to be aware of and accept God’s Thought regarding all manifest and created form enables him to live in the Realm of Perfection, enjoying and serving Life as divinely intended. 

As you are aware, the Consciousness of God and man are of differing vibration, and it is to enable you to further strengthen your ability to function from the Consciousness of Reality – the Divine Principle of Life that I lovingly present the following for your review… a Law which you intellectually know but have not as yet put into practice in your daily lives. 

It is man’s presumption in choosing to perceive the Universe other than God intended it that has created and sustained in the human consciousness error, failure, disease, imitation and so called death. 

It is said that God created all things and they were Good. The God Idea then for the Planet Earth, the people of Earth and the environment and natural surroundings in which they were to unfold was a perfect indestructible, imperishable one. Man looking at this Universe chose to formulate independent opinions regarding this Divine Picture, and instead of looking at the Universe as God looked at it, he created by his own imaging faculty a distortion of the Original God Idea. 

The Ascended Master chooses voluntarily to regard humanity, the Planet Earth and the Universe as God himself regards it. He grows close through contemplation, devotion and love for the Father to the true idea upon which the Universe and its people were founded. As his own Consciousness merged with the God Identity and he began to see every man as God saw him, his individual power of projection strengthened the God Idea, and intensified the Perfect First Cause through the medium of his own Wisdom. 

If you would actively choose to love God, one of the first exercises is to sit down preceding all activity, all treatment and service, and find out, by opening your consciousness to the Spiritual Essence of the Ever-present God, what is the Divine Idea behind every human form and his service. Then you will see people, activities and manifestation, not as they see themselves or as your human consciousness perceives them, through a double veil of your and their outer mind, but through the Consciousness of Perfection… then will the strength of your consciousness being merged with the Christ within enable you to focus that Perfection into the substance which seems recalcitrant… and importantly, from the Consciousness of your True Being you will not unwittingly tie into and accept that mis-qualified energy into your individual selves. 

I lovingly counsel you to contemplate this simple presentation – which is a review of an essential Lesson you have yet to learn and through knowing, put into practice.








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