The Shamballa Letter


VOLUME II, Number 33                                                                                                                                  August 12, 1980 


Beloved Serapis Bey – Lord of the Ascension Flame   

When did you last turn your attention to the spirit of your Home? 

She is a member of the Devic Kingdom and enfolds your dwelling within her embrace… I say ‘she’ for it is the Feminine Aspect of Divinity who nurtures and holds the picture of your home in the Divine Blueprint. But it is you and all who dwell therein who clothe her in the garments of your choosing… in the same manner as your idea that your personal self clothes, your True Being. Through your use of free will these Beings are not allowed to intrude the God Design - they are required to wear the garment of your design. 

When you first desired to establish an abode for yourself, whether it be in the furnishing of rooms in a building owned by someone else, or your own personal property - that with which you have surrounded yourself is your idea of what you wish! The financial question which arises in most of your minds, and what you would do if you had the wherewithal is of your own making. Realize, oh blessed ones that you are GOD. To change anything into God Perfection, whether it be your own lower vehicles, your surroundings or your clothing, you must change your limited consciousness. 

When the chelas have been given the opportunity through these many years to use the Flames of Transmutation and Purification, there should be no ‘grumbling’ in their consciousness. If you have the good fortune to have a supply of money at your disposal, to use as you wish, and do not purchase the beautiful items that are available in this physical appearance world, that is as you wish it. The exact same rule applies to the out-picturing which you cherish as you. I counsel you; I implore you to surrender self to your True Reality. When this is not done it is because the domineering and arrogant little self holds itself in such esteem and tenaciously clings to that limited consciousness. When you are in the Radiation of One of the Members of the Spiritual Brotherhood, as some of you may be thinking as you read my words ‘He is right, I will be that Christ in action.’ How simple it seems… but when we withdraw the pressure of our feeling of Perfection, it is easier and more convenient for you to struggle along as you are. 

Now, please listen to me attentively. The time is now, for you to shed your garments (consciousness) of limitation of every kind, and permit the real you to express in your appearance, your every word and action. You who have studied the Spiritual Law should not be found wanting. Take your self-made problems to the Christ in prayer. Your God Self will welcome you with outstretched arms and when you feel that embrace let go, LET GO, and permit the Christ feeling to flow through your vehicles. Take time to be holy, and I guarantee you the repeated practice of this Spiritual Law will begin to out-picture in this appearance world and you will be grateful that I have come, in deep Love, to prod you on your journey into the world of the Real… which can be yours… in your acceptance of God Perfection.






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